Abel Mutua, the renowned Kenyan film producer, recently opened up about his YouTube journey, highlighting how his background in film production played a pivotal role in shaping his content creation approach. The versatile creator, known for his captivating storytelling, shared insights into how his growth in the digital space has been fueled by dedication, professionalism, and a passion for quality content.
Speaking over a meal of sushi and dumplings, Abel humorously acknowledged that if he were dining with his best friend, Njugush, the menu would likely feature mukimo a favorite Kenyan dish. However, his conversation soon turned to the serious matter of hosting successful events. With a deep understanding of the challenges facing event organizers, Abel spoke candidly about his experience in managing big shows, especially amidst rising concerns over the behavior of certain audiences. Reflecting on the growing trend of fans storming concerts, he shared that he had never doubted himself when hosting events. He proudly stated, “My kind of content does not attract hooligans.” Abel emphasized that the nature of his events, where attendees are comfortably seated and the space is well-organized, discourages disruptive individuals who seek chaotic environments.
Despite facing challenges like event overlap, where multiple shows take place on the same day, Abel remains unfazed. His content, both on YouTube and at live events, focuses on delivering a structured and enjoyable experience for his audience. “When we say gates open at five, by two, people have already filled the auditorium,” he said. This attention to detail and commitment to professionalism has helped him build a loyal fanbase that appreciates quality over chaos.
Abel’s background as a filmmaker has been instrumental in his YouTube success. He pointed out that before venturing into content creation, his reputation as a film producer had already earned him a pedestal in the industry. This gave him the drive to produce high-quality content, even when financial resources were limited. “Doing it professionally, especially for YouTube, is an expensive process,” he confessed. However, he was determined to overcome these financial constraints to ensure that his content was on par with industry standards.
The rewards, though not immediate, have been significant. Abel acknowledged that YouTube has opened doors to other opportunities, including collaborations and gigs. He credited fellow content creators Betty and Jalango for inspiring him to go big or go home, a philosophy that has propelled his success.
Ultimately, Abel’s YouTube journey has been about more than just creating videos it’s about building a brand, maintaining professionalism, and pushing through challenges to create content that resonates with a wide audience.