African Beekeeping: Guardians of Biodiversity and Food Security

Bees play a crucial role in Africa’s biodiversity, contributing to food security and rural livelihoods. They provide valuable products such as honey, royal jelly, pollen, beeswax, propolis, and bee venom. As highlighted by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in a landmark 2019 report, bees have been revered in major religions for centuries, underscoring their importance to human societies.

In Africa, beekeeping is a significant income source for rural communities. The western honey bee, the most widespread managed pollinator, supports over 80 million hives globally, producing approximately 1.6 million tonnes of honey annually. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, bees are essential for a third of the world’s food production, enabling plants, including vital food crops, to reproduce through pollination.

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However, bees and other pollinators in Africa, such as butterflies and bats, face increasing threats from human activities. Factors like habitat loss, intensive farming, changing weather patterns, and excessive pesticide use have led to a decline in bee populations. This poses a risk to many plants essential for human well-being and livelihoods.

Air pollution further complicates the issue, as pollutants interfere with the scent molecules plants release to attract bees, hindering their ability to locate food efficiently. Additionally, while most pollinator species are wild, the mass breeding and transport of bees can spread pathogens and parasites, emphasizing the need for better trade regulation to prevent unintended harm.

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Efforts to protect pollinators are vital for maintaining Africa’s biodiversity and ensuring food security for its growing population.

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