Apple has reportedly halted the production of its Vision Pro mixed-reality headset due to weaker-than-expected demand, according to a new report by The Information. The company, which once positioned the Vision Pro as a revolutionary product poised to bring mixed-reality technology to the mainstream, has reportedly decided to stop producing new units. The decision comes after an initial surge of excitement surrounding the product last year quickly gave way to dwindling interest.
Citing multiple sources directly involved in the production process, the report suggests that Apple has already manufactured enough units of the Vision Pro to meet expected demand through 2025. Despite this, the move to pause production highlights a shift in Apple’s approach to the headset, which has faced challenges in capturing significant market interest.
When Apple first unveiled the Vision Pro, many tech enthusiasts and analysts were optimistic about its potential. The headset, priced at $3,499, promised to redefine the way users interact with digital content by blending augmented and virtual reality. However, after the initial hype surrounding its launch, sales have reportedly not lived up to expectations.
One key issue is the high price point of the Vision Pro, which many consumers have found prohibitive. The headset’s cost, along with its relatively niche use cases, has made it difficult to attract a broader customer base. Moreover, competing mixed-reality devices from other tech companies have made their way into the market, further fragmenting consumer interest.
Despite this, Apple’s decision to halt production does not signal the end of the Vision Pro’s future. The company is believed to have enough stock to meet demand for the next year, which could allow Apple to focus on refining the product before potentially relaunching it at a later date.
For now, Apple seems content with the Vision Pro’s current trajectory, aiming to use the time to perfect the technology and the user experience. Whether the headset will achieve mainstream success remains to be seen, but for 2025, Apple appears ready to ride out the lull in demand.