The Australian government has received confirmation from Moscow that Oscar Jenkins, an Australian citizen captured while fighting for Ukraine, is still alive and in custody. Jenkins, a 32-year-old teacher who had been volunteering to fight alongside Ukrainian forces, was taken prisoner last year amid the ongoing conflict with Russia. The Australian government had previously expressed grave concerns about his welfare, following reports suggesting that he had been killed while in captivity.
Foreign Minister Penny Wong confirmed the update on Wednesday, stating, “The Australian government has received confirmation from Russia that Oscar Jenkins is alive and in custody.” Despite the confirmation, Wong emphasized that Australia still held serious concerns for Jenkins’ safety and wellbeing as a prisoner of war. She also urged Russia to release him in accordance with international law, reiterating that the Russian Federation is obligated to treat all prisoners of war in compliance with the Geneva Convention.
The Geneva Convention mandates that prisoners of war are protected from violence and intimidation, a point the Australian government has made clear in its calls for Jenkins’ humane treatment. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also expressed the government’s urgency in obtaining confirmation that Jenkins was alive. He emphasized that Australia’s priority remained securing Jenkins’ safe release from captivity.
Earlier reports had raised alarm about Jenkins’ fate, after a video surfaced in December showing him tied up and interrogated by Russian forces. In the footage, Jenkins, who holds dual citizenship in both Australia and Ukraine, explained that he was a teacher and soldier, offering a glimpse into the dangerous nature of his involvement in the conflict. The video depicted Jenkins being struck in the face while being questioned by his captors, who asked whether he was being paid to fight in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia, Vasyl Myroshnychenko, welcomed the news of Jenkins’ survival, calling it “good news,” but also pressed Moscow to provide additional proof of his wellbeing. He specifically called for a video confirming that Jenkins was in good health and being treated according to international standards.
Jenkins is believed to be the first Australian to be taken as a prisoner of war while fighting for Ukraine, highlighting the personal stakes many foreign nationals face in the ongoing war. The confirmation of his survival marks a crucial step in his family’s hopes for his safe return, but the Australian government remains steadfast in demanding his release from Russian custody.