Felix, a 24-year-old film programmer, and Erin, a 23-year-old archaeologist, recently met on a blind date arranged by The Guardian. Felix was hoping for someone to share his disdain for bad movies and to meet someone with a sense of kindness, ideally in cozy knitwear. Erin, on the other hand, was curious about how a blind date would unfold, especially one that would be featured in the national press.
Their first impressions were positive. Felix was immediately struck by Erin’s energy and joy, though he was disappointed by the lack of knitwear. Erin felt a sense of relief, sensing the evening would be enjoyable. They spent their time discussing various topics, from the proper way to order a cheeky monkey spritz to the texture of minions, and even whether their parents would read the article about their date. They also found common ground in their experiences with border control and their shared interest in films both good and bad.
The date had its awkward moments, notably when Felix had an allergic reaction to a leek and potato soup that unexpectedly contained hazelnuts. While Felix remained stoic, Erin was concerned, fearing she might have inadvertently caused a catastrophe. Despite this, she admired his composure. In a lighthearted moment, Felix was also a bit embarrassed when they revealed they were on a Guardian blind date, only to be met with indifference from the group that had taken their photo.
Both had positive things to say about each other. Felix praised Erin’s warmth and how comfortable he felt with her, even joking about her wearing a tie to the meal. Erin appreciated Felix’s quick wit and kind heart, along with his respect for her choice of attire. They both agreed that their time together felt easy and enjoyable, though the evening was cut short by a combination of the mulled wine and Felix needing to catch a train.
Despite the mishap with the soup, Felix rated the date an eight out of ten, saying he would have given it a higher score if he hadn’t taken off his beloved tie so soon. Erin, on the other hand, gave the evening five stars, expressing interest in visiting Brighton and hoping Felix would come to her rescue if she wandered around lost.
Although their date didn’t continue into the night, both seemed to have a good time and were open to meeting again. The evening, while marked by a minor medical scare, was filled with genuine connection and laughter, leaving both hopeful for future encounters.