Comedian Oliver Otieno, popularly known as YY Comedian, has confirmed the end of his two-month relationship with Noela Toywa. The announcement comes after weeks of speculation following YY’s noticeable absence in celebrating Toywa’s birthday late last year, a move that raised eyebrows among his fans.
In a candid interview, YY addressed the rumors, stating, “We broke up. People part ways it’s just life.” He refrained from providing further details, choosing instead to maintain privacy regarding the reasons behind their split.
The relationship between YY and Toywa became public in November 2024, shortly after YY ended his previous relationship with Marya Okoth. In a grand gesture, YY introduced Toywa to his fans with a romantic chopper ride and lunch date. The comedian shared a glimpse of their experience on social media, captioning one of their photos: “I took my girl for lunch as I introduced her to my world. Destination of your choice, and @adequatesafaris will ensure you go there.”
At the time, YY openly expressed his admiration for Toywa, crediting her with bringing happiness into his life. He wrote, “You’ve brought so much joy to my life, and it’s an honor to have you. I feel it’s time I introduce you to my world so people can know and understand who you are, what you stand for, and your beliefs.”
The relationship, which started with much fanfare and public display of affection, now ends quietly, leaving fans with questions and mixed emotions. Many had hoped for a lasting bond between the two, given the depth of affection YY expressed during their time together.
While the split has left fans disappointed, YY’s decision to keep the details of their breakup private reflects his commitment to handling personal matters away from public scrutiny.
For now, YY seems focused on moving forward, and his fans continue to support him as he navigates life post-breakup.