Chaos at Bomas: Political Activist Morara Kebaso Attacked During Gachagua Impeachment Forum

On a day that was expected to feature a sober and democratic process of public participation regarding the impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, political activist Morara Kebaso found himself at the center of a violent and chaotic attack that shook the Bomas of Kenya. What was intended to be a platform for citizens to voice their opinions and contribute to national dialogue rapidly devolved into an atmosphere of fear, aggression, and political violence.

Morara Kebaso’s experience highlights the intense political tensions that have been mounting in Kenya, especially surrounding the potential impeachment of Gachagua. This incident, which occurred on a public stage, not only brings to light the challenges of maintaining democratic processes in volatile environments but also underscores the risks political figures and activists face when attempting to exercise their constitutional rights.

The Lead-Up to the Incident

Before the chaos unfolded, Morara Kebaso, a well-known political activist in Kenya, had expressed his intentions on social media about joining the public participation forum at Bomas of Kenya. He had been vocal about his stance on Gachagua’s impeachment, insisting that if Gachagua was indeed removed from office, President William Ruto, as his running mate and partner in the election, should also step down. His argument was based on the notion that the two were elected as a pair and should leave office together if necessary.

Morara’s comments ahead of the forum showcased his boldness and readiness to contribute to what he believed was a crucial conversation for the future of Kenya. He was prepared to present his arguments and ideas in a peaceful manner, exercising his democratic right to participate in national discussions. However, things did not go as planned, as a brutal turn of events would soon unfold.

The Chaos at Bomas of Kenya

Morara Kebaso arrived at Bomas of Kenya with the intention of presenting his views. Yet, from the start, he faced obstacles. According to Morara, he was initially barred from entering the venue by security at the gate. After eventually gaining access to the Bomas Hall, where the public participation was taking place, he was denied the opportunity to speak or make a presentation on the microphone. The rejection of his request for a voice on the floor seemed to be the spark that ignited the skirmish that followed.

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As Morara waited in the hall, the situation quickly escalated into violence. Video footage shared by Citizen Digital shows a visibly shaken Morara seated as chaos erupts around him. Chairs were being hurled from all corners, aimed directly at him, while angry participants advanced toward him in an apparent attempt to physically assault him.

The scene at Bomas quickly became uncontrollable. Morara, trying to protect himself, ducked for cover, but the violence only intensified as the crowd became more hostile. Video evidence shows him pushed into a corner as the mob continued their frenzied attack. Despite efforts to shield himself, it became clear that the attackers were relentless in their pursuit of him. Chairs continued to fly, and many in the crowd seemed determined to physically confront Morara. The footage vividly captured the harrowing atmosphere in the hall, where violence took precedence over reasoned discourse.

Amidst the chaos, Ruaraka Member of Parliament TJ Kajwang can be heard holding a microphone and addressing the rioters. Far from calming the situation, Kajwang’s words seemed to fuel the aggression, as he repeatedly shouted “Nairobi Hoyeee!” and made remarks about how this was “the sweetness of Nairobi.” His comments appeared to egg on the attackers, encouraging them to continue with their violent actions. Such behavior from a sitting Member of Parliament raises serious concerns about the role of political leaders in either fostering peace or exacerbating tensions in such volatile environments.

Morara’s Response and Injuries

As the violence persisted, Morara Kebaso was eventually escorted out of the hall, but the threats to his safety did not end there. Even as he was being led away, the rioters continued to follow him, punching their way through the crowd and attempting to inflict harm. It was clear that Morara’s presence had incited a deep-seated anger in the group, and they were not willing to let him leave without further confrontation.

After the ordeal, Morara took to social media to update his followers on the events that transpired. Posting on X (formerly Twitter), he described the violent encounter and confirmed that he had been injured during the attack. “I was barred from entering Bomas at the gate. When I finally got in, I was denied the mic at BOMAS floor. Chaos erupted. I am hurt. Headed to hospital. I live to speak another day,” he wrote.

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The update was brief but telling. It painted a picture of a man who, despite being at the center of a terrifying ordeal, remained defiant in his commitment to participate in national conversations. His words suggested that while the attack had shaken him physically and emotionally, he was not deterred from continuing to speak out about what he believed to be right.

The Broader Implications of the Incident

The attack on Morara Kebaso at Bomas of Kenya raises several important questions about the state of political discourse and public participation in Kenya. Public participation is enshrined in Kenya’s constitution as a means for citizens to have a say in the governance of their country. However, when forums meant for peaceful discussion turn violent, it calls into question the safety and inclusivity of such processes.

Morara’s ordeal is a stark reminder of the dangers that activists and political figures can face when trying to express dissenting opinions. While democracy thrives on differing viewpoints, the violence he encountered illustrates a growing intolerance for opposing views in Kenya’s political arena. This incident is not an isolated one; over the years, political tensions in the country have often spilled over into violence, with rallies, protests, and public meetings sometimes turning into battlegrounds.

The role of political leaders in either de-escalating or fueling such tensions cannot be overlooked. The remarks made by TJ Kajwang during the chaos, where he seemed to encourage the violence, are deeply troubling. As a Member of Parliament, Kajwang holds a position of influence and leadership, and his actions in that moment could have either quelled the violence or, as they appeared to do, aggravated it. For a leader to seemingly endorse violence against an individual trying to exercise their democratic right sets a dangerous precedent for how political disagreements may be handled in the future.

The Political Context: Gachagua’s Impeachment

The attack on Morara Kebaso cannot be viewed in isolation from the broader political context surrounding the impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. The public participation forum was part of a larger process that has generated significant political tension in the country. Gachagua, a controversial figure in Kenyan politics, has faced calls for impeachment from various quarters, with critics accusing him of corruption, abuse of office, and divisive politics.

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Morara’s stance that both Gachagua and President William Ruto should leave office if Gachagua were impeached reflects a growing sentiment among some Kenyans that the two leaders, having been elected together, should be held equally accountable. The impeachment process has therefore become a flashpoint for deeper political divisions within the country.


The attack on Morara Kebaso at the Bomas of Kenya was a chilling reminder of the dangers that come with expressing political opinions in a highly charged environment. What should have been a day of public participation in the democratic process quickly spiraled into violence, leaving Morara injured and raising serious concerns about the safety of those seeking to engage in national discourse.

As Kenya continues to grapple with political instability and division, it is crucial that public forums remain safe spaces for dialogue and that leaders take responsibility for fostering a culture of peace and tolerance. Morara Kebaso’s ordeal serves as both a warning and a call to action: democracy must be protected, and the right to speak out must not be silenced by violence.

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