Renowned city car dealer and social media influencer Joseph Kairo Wambui, popularly known as Khalif Kairo, has once again found himself on the wrong side of the law. Kairo was arrested on Saturday and detained at Capitol Hill Police Station after a client accused him of fraudulently failing to deliver a vehicle despite receiving full payment.
In videos circulating online, Kairo can be seen engaging in a tense exchange with officers during his arrest. “Si vita, you are not going to harass me,” he can be heard telling the police as they demanded his cooperation. The situation escalated, with an officer warning him, “Sisi tunapiga watu. Tutakupiga hapa saa hii tu!”
Sources reveal that the police apprehended Kairo after he reportedly failed to convince the complainant of his plan to travel to New York to secure funds and resolve the matter.
This is not Kairo’s first run-in with the law over similar accusations. Barely two months ago, on December 3, 2024, he was arrested at a car yard in Ridgeways and taken to Kasarani Police Station for questioning. The earlier complaint involved his alleged failure to deliver a high-end vehicle to another client.
Kairo, who gained popularity for his flashy lifestyle and social media presence, has recently faced growing criticism over his business practices. Several clients have accused him of taking payments and failing to fulfill contractual agreements, tarnishing his reputation in the competitive car dealership industry.
The police are currently investigating the latest case, and Kairo may face charges if found culpable. His repeated arrests are a stark reminder of the growing concerns over fraudulent activities in Kenya’s car dealership sector.
As investigations continue, potential buyers are urged to exercise caution and verify the credibility of dealers to avoid falling victim to such scams. Meanwhile, Kairo’s legal troubles are likely to impact his business and social media brand.