An incident at a daycare in Indiana has led to a worker being charged with battery after allegedly slapping a two-year-old child in response to being spit on. The accused, a 31-year-old woman, reportedly struck the toddler hard enough to cause him to spin around and hit a cabinet, according to a video of the event.
The incident occurred in November 2024 at a daycare center in Greenwood, a city in the Indianapolis metropolitan area. The video evidence, captured at the daycare, shows the child spitting on the worker while she was attending to another child. The worker is then seen slapping the boy and later removing him from the room by his shirt. Audio from the footage reportedly captures the worker expressing frustration over being spit on, claiming she does not tolerate such behavior.
Following the incident, the daycare’s director terminated the worker’s employment on the same day and provided the video evidence to law enforcement. Authorities have since charged the former employee with battery on a person under 14 years old. A detective who reviewed the footage later interviewed the accused, who reportedly described her actions as a reflexive response to being spit on. She allegedly downplayed the severity of the incident, stating that she only gave the child a “small tap” and that he did not cry afterward.
The accused further claimed that the child had been misbehaving throughout the day, throwing toys and refusing to help clean up when asked. She allegedly justified her actions by arguing that being spit on constituted battery against her, though the detective countered that the child was only two years old. During the interview, the worker referred to her reaction as instinctive, reiterating that she did not believe the boy was harmed.
The daycare center has stated that it took immediate action by terminating the worker and reporting the incident to the Department of Child Services. The state licensing authority has since investigated the matter and confirmed that the daycare responded appropriately to the situation. The center emphasized that the incident was isolated and does not reflect its professional or ethical standards.
The ongoing investigation has also involved reporting the accused to additional state agencies. Authorities have underscored the significance of video evidence in such cases, noting its value in establishing the facts and ensuring accountability.
This incident has raised concerns about the treatment of children in daycare settings and the importance of professional conduct among caregivers. The case continues to be under investigation, with law enforcement seeking to ensure the safety and well-being of children in similar environments.