Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) have apprehended three individuals linked to a notorious criminal group known as the “Panga gang.” The suspects, identified as Shaban Munga Ali (26), Sande Kalama Kitsao (24), and Shebani Charo Kalume (34), are believed to be behind a series of robberies and muggings that have terrorized the coastal town, particularly in the Kiembeni and Kadzandani areas.
The arrest followed a day-long, intelligence-led operation conducted by the DCI. The gang, known for using crude weapons such as daggers and machetes, has operated with impunity, targeting both business premises and lone pedestrians. These criminals are notorious for carrying out swift and violent attacks, stealing valuables, and fleeing the scene before law enforcement can respond.
The first two suspects, Munga and Kalama, were apprehended at Mwatamba 2 stage in Kiembeni, a known hotspot for such criminal activities. Kalume, the third suspect, was arrested within Kadzandani, found in possession of a knife and two face masks, further evidence linking him to the gang’s operations.
According to the DCI, the arrests come as part of an ongoing operation to dismantle criminal gangs operating in the region. “The suspects are set to be arraigned as investigations continue and more members of the gang are being sought,” a DCI spokesperson confirmed.
The Panga gang has been a significant concern for local authorities, who have pledged to ramp up their efforts to restore law and order in affected areas. The public has been urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to assist in the continued fight against crime in Mombasa.
As the investigation continues, the DCI remains determined to bring all those involved in these criminal activities to justice, ensuring the safety and security of Mombasa’s residents.