Dorea Chege, the celebrated content creator, has joyfully announced that she is expecting a child. The revelation came on her 32nd birthday, marking a special moment in her life. Fans had been eagerly awaiting news after Dorea teased something major was coming, sharing with her followers on social media, “This year’s birthday feels different… let’s just say I am speechless!!! Any guesses?? Let’s find out at exactly 3pm on YouTube #thebullsfamily.”
The announcement, made through a video titled “He makes everything beautiful in his own time,” on their shared YouTube channel, brought heartfelt messages of gratitude and joy. In the video, Dorea, together with her partner, Dibull, reflected on their transformative journey through pregnancy, acknowledging the love, laughter, and challenges they have faced.
“This has been a deeply personal and transformative experience. We’ve spent countless nights dreaming about the future and holding each other close as we embraced the changes. It’s been a time of love, laughter, and even some tears, all kept within our little world,” Dorea shared.
She went on to thank their followers for their unwavering support, adding, “Thank you for being a part of our story. We can’t wait to share this next chapter with you!” Dibull also expressed their gratitude, emphasizing their blessings as they prepare to welcome their little one.
The couple also addressed the speculation surrounding their pregnancy, acknowledging that for the past three years, rumors had circulated, with some even mistakenly assuming they had suffered a miscarriage. Dorea laughed at the rumors, saying, “It got to a point people thought we had a miscarriage,” before happily revealing, “We are finally pregnant.”
As part of the fun reveal, Dorea proudly showed off her baby bump and invited fans to guess how far along she was and the baby’s gender. The video was met with an outpouring of love and excitement from fans who had been following Dorea’s journey. With 2024 coming to a close, the couple expressed their gratitude for the year’s successes and eagerly anticipated what 2025 holds.