DP Rigathi Gachagua: The Will of the People is Supreme

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has made a strong call for unity and a redirection of political energy towards service delivery for Kenyans. Addressing a congregation at the Methodist Church in Kenya All Saints Church in Kinoru, Meru County, Gachagua emphasized the importance of respecting the will of the people and urged political leaders to tone down divisive politics, which he described as a hindrance to national progress. The Deputy President’s speech touched on several key issues, including the need for political leaders to focus on their mandates, the importance of truth in leadership, and the ongoing fight against illicit brews and drugs.

In his address, Gachagua urged all leaders to lower political temperatures and work together for the benefit of the nation. His message was particularly poignant, given the heightened political tensions in the country, with many leaders engaging in what he termed as “politics of witch-hunt.” Instead of focusing on bringing each other down, he called for a concerted effort towards fulfilling the promises made during the 2022 General Elections, asserting that the will of the people must be respected.

A Call for Unity and Purpose

The Deputy President’s message comes at a crucial time when political differences have continued to divide Kenya. He began by calling for prayers for the country, the government, President William Ruto, and all leaders, expressing his hope that Kenya can move beyond politics of division and focus on the work that lies ahead. The 2022 General Election, which brought President Ruto and Gachagua to power, was viewed as a critical moment in Kenya’s democracy, with high expectations from citizens regarding development and economic progress.

“Continue praying for the country, Government, the President, and all leaders. It is my hope that sanity will prevail and we tone down on politics of division, politics of pulling others down and focus on working for Kenyans because we were elected just two years ago and we are yet to do the work that we were given by Kenyans,” Gachagua urged.

His words were a reminder to fellow politicians that the mandate given by Kenyans should be taken seriously, and that leaders must now deliver on their promises. The emphasis on unity was particularly relevant, as Gachagua highlighted that Kenyans elected the current government with a lot of hope for positive change.

Respecting the Will of the People

The crux of Gachagua’s speech was his insistence on respecting the will of the people. In a democracy, he said, the will of the people is supreme, and any attempt to subvert it through political scheming or power struggles would be a betrayal of the democratic process. Gachagua pointed out that he and President Ruto were elected on a joint ticket for a five-year term, and that mandate should be respected by all, regardless of political affiliations.

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“As we do whatever we are doing in the political space, it is my prayer that we should respect the will of the people. The will of the people is supreme. Elections were done and the President and I were elected in a joint ticket for five years; that was the will of the people. Let us not fall into the temptation of overturning the will of the people through other methods because Kenya’s will not be happy for overturning their will,” Gachagua stated.

This call for respecting the electoral outcome is a clear message to political actors who may be considering moves to challenge the government’s legitimacy. It is also a reminder that the electoral process was carried out in accordance with the Constitution, and any attempt to disrupt the status quo would be against the democratic principles that Kenya has worked hard to uphold.

The Tenets of Democracy

Gachagua’s speech was not just a call for respect of the 2022 General Election results but also a broader message about the importance of upholding democratic values. He reiterated that democracy requires leaders to respect the will of the people, and this respect should extend to all areas of governance. According to him, respecting the people’s will is not just about winning elections, but also about being accountable to the electorate and delivering on promises.

“Let us all agree that the tenets of democracy say that we respect the will of the people because it is supreme,” he said.

His remarks underscore the fact that democracy is not just about political competition but also about the values of integrity, accountability, and service to the people. In this context, Gachagua’s call for a focus on service delivery and development aligns with the broader democratic goal of improving the lives of citizens through good governance.

Truth in Leadership

In addition to his appeal for unity and respect for democracy, Gachagua also emphasized the importance of truth in leadership. He acknowledged that speaking the truth has often put him in difficult situations politically, but he remains committed to being truthful because, as he put it, “that is what God wants.” He encouraged other leaders to adopt the same principle of truthfulness in their leadership roles.

“At all times, let us pray to God to give us wisdom and courage to be able to do good all the time, especially courage to speak the truth. All the political troubles you may see me going through is because of speaking the truth. I did not know many people have a problem with the truth. We will continue standing with the truth because that is what God wants,” Gachagua said.

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The Deputy President’s remarks highlight the challenges that come with leadership, particularly in a political environment where truth-telling can be met with resistance. His commitment to speaking the truth is an important message in a political culture that has often been characterized by dishonesty and corruption. By standing for truth, Gachagua is positioning himself as a leader who values integrity and is willing to face the consequences of being honest.

The Fight Against Illicit Brews and Drug Abuse

Shifting focus from politics, Gachagua also addressed the ongoing fight against illicit brews and drug abuse in Meru County. He commended the county’s security team for their efforts in eradicating the menace but warned that the problem was beginning to resurface. The Deputy President called on security officers to remain vigilant and ensure that the gains made in the fight against illicit brews and drugs are not lost.

“We were doing well on eradication of illicit brews and drugs in Meru because of our children, and there have been great successes, but of late it has started to return. I ask security officers to make sure the gains we have made do not go to waste because it was a big effort,” Gachagua noted.

The fight against illicit brews and drugs has been a priority for the government, particularly in regions like Meru, where substance abuse has had devastating effects on communities. Gachagua’s remarks reflect the government’s commitment to protecting the youth from the harmful effects of drug abuse and ensuring that communities are safe and productive.

Agricultural Reforms and Rural Development

In his address, Gachagua also took the opportunity to praise the people of Meru for their hard work in the agricultural sector, particularly in the dairy, tea, and coffee industries. He highlighted the success of the Meru Dairy Cooperative Society, which he described as the best in Kenya, for its efficiency in milk production and prompt payments to farmers.

“There is a lot of work we have done here in Meru County and other parts of the country on tea, coffee, and dairy sectors. I thank Meru people for being hard working. The Meru Dairy Cooperative Society is the best in Kenya. It produces a lot of milk and pays its farmers before the fifth day of every month. I invite other societies to emulate the Meru Dairy Cooperative Society,” Gachagua said.

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The Deputy President reaffirmed the government’s commitment to continuing reforms in the agricultural sector as part of its broader plan to boost the rural economy. Agriculture remains a key driver of Kenya’s economy, and Gachagua’s comments reflect the government’s recognition of the sector’s importance to rural livelihoods.


Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s speech in Meru County was a call for unity, truth, and respect for democracy. His message to political leaders was clear: tone down divisive politics and focus on serving the people. Gachagua emphasized the supremacy of the people’s will, urging politicians to respect the results of the 2022 General Election and work together to fulfill their mandate. In addition, his commitment to truth in leadership and the fight against illicit brews and drugs demonstrates his dedication to addressing key challenges facing the country.

As Kenya moves forward, Gachagua’s appeal for unity and service delivery will resonate with many citizens who are eager for progress and development. The Deputy President’s focus on agricultural reforms and rural development is also a positive step toward improving the lives of Kenyans, particularly in regions like Meru, where agriculture plays a vital role in the local economy. Overall, Gachagua’s speech was a timely reminder that the will of the people must always be respected, and leaders must work together to build a better Kenya.

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