The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has arrested nine traffic police officers accused of extorting money from motorists during festive season operations. These arrests, conducted between December 25 and 31, 2024, took place at bribery hotspots in Nakuru, Kajiado, and Kisii counties.
EACC spokesperson Eric Ngumbi confirmed that the officers, operating under the pretense of enforcing traffic laws, targeted motorists for bribes at key highway checkpoints. Among those arrested were Sgt. Susan Potishoi, Cpl. Joshua Kipkurui, PC Duncan Bonn, PC Vincent Otieno, and PC Ruth Ngugi, who were apprehended at Salgaa along the Nairobi-Nakuru-Eldoret Highway on December 30.
In Kajiado County, along the Nairobi-Namanga Road, PC Muendi Okech and Cpl. James Gitonga were detained. Meanwhile, in Kisii County, along the Kisii-Rongo Road, Cpl. Mustafa Babuye and PC Dae Ronald Wakachanga faced arrest. Additionally, Cpl. Simon Karanja from Gathoge on the Makutano-Embu Highway evaded arrest by hiding extorted money in a nearby bush.
The arrests have brought to light a troubling pattern of corruption among traffic officers. Motorists, eager to escape penalties for violations such as speeding, overloading, and driving without valid licenses, often offered bribes. This practice not only undermines the integrity of law enforcement but also endangers public safety by perpetuating a cycle of corruption.
EACC investigations also uncovered allegations of systemic corruption, with reports suggesting that senior officers demand public service operators consolidate bribes on a weekly or monthly basis in exchange for protection while operating on specific routes.
The Commission has called on all stakeholders, including traffic officers, motorists, and the public, to uphold traffic laws as a means of improving road safety and reducing fatalities. EACC spokesperson Ngumbi stressed the urgency of breaking the cycle of corruption to restore integrity within law enforcement and ensure safer roads for all Kenyans.
As the investigations continue, the EACC’s operation signals a strong commitment to combating corruption and protecting public safety on Kenya’s highways.