Educating the Youth: A Pillar for Transforming Society – CS Kipchumba Murkomen

Education remains one of the most powerful tools for societal change, and this is especially true for Kenya’s youth. Youth Affairs, Creative Economy, and Sports Cabinet Secretary (CS) Kipchumba Murkomen echoed these sentiments during the International Youth Fellowship (IYF) Academy’s graduation ceremony held at Moi International Stadium, Kasarani, Nairobi. Addressing a crowd of 6,000 graduates, Murkomen emphasized the importance of education in equipping the Kenyan youth with the necessary skills and values needed to make a lasting impact on the world.

This graduation ceremony was not only a celebration of academic achievements but also a testament to the power of character development and holistic education. In his speech, Murkomen highlighted the critical role that education plays in shaping the future of Kenya’s youth, who comprise a significant percentage of the population. As Kenya grapples with challenges such as unemployment, poverty, and climate change, the education and empowerment of the youth are seen as essential pathways to overcoming these issues.

Education: A Tool for Global Impact

During the event, Murkomen reinforced that education transcends the acquisition of knowledge. It is, above all, an avenue for young people to develop essential life skills and adopt values that allow them to become productive members of society. “This celebration transcends a mere graduation; it represents the culmination of effort, growth, and transformation for each of you—6,000 strong,” Murkomen said, underlining the significance of the moment.

The graduation was part of the IYF’s sixth cohort, an initiative founded by Rev. Dr. Ock Soo Park, which has made strides in developing the moral and emotional capabilities of youth worldwide. Rev. Park, along with IYF Chairman Rev. Yohan Kim, were present during the event, where they applauded the graduates for their accomplishments and encouraged them to continue their journeys of personal growth.

According to Murkomen, Kenya’s youth must be equipped not only with technical knowledge but also with values and decision-making skills. These attributes are crucial for their success in today’s fast-changing world. He praised programs such as the Mind Education program, which he described as pivotal in enabling the youth to have a far-reaching and positive impact on their communities.

Partnership with the Ministry of Youth Affairs

Murkomen also reflected on the productive collaboration between the Ministry of Youth Affairs and the IYF, which has led to the implementation of various training programs. Last year, the Ministry and IYF worked together to train all Regional Coordinators from the State Department for Youth Affairs and Creative Economy. Through this partnership, Murkomen noted, the youth have access to a network of newly trained officers who play an integral role in shaping them into individuals capable of contributing meaningfully to society.

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These training programs align with the government’s broader National Youth Opportunities Towards Advancement (NYOTA) Project. Murkomen described NYOTA as a platform for young Kenyans to unlock their potential, build resilience, and secure a brighter future. The alignment between the IYF’s educational programs and the government’s youth initiatives demonstrates a shared vision for empowering Kenya’s younger generation.

Enhancing Life Skills Across All 47 Counties

Kenya’s youth face various socio-economic challenges, and according to Murkomen, addressing these obstacles begins with imparting life skills and fostering a positive mindset. The government, in collaboration with the IYF, aims to extend these benefits to youth in all 47 counties. The idea is that through education and life-skills training, young people can break free from cycles of poverty, crime, and unemployment.

Murkomen shared a recent success story that illustrated the transformative power of youth empowerment programs. In July 2024, the IYF and the Ministry of Youth Affairs supported 30 young Kenyans to represent the country at the World Cultural Dance Festival in Seoul, South Korea. These young individuals returned to Kenya not just as participants but as Grand Prize Winners, proudly displaying Kenya’s rich cultural heritage on the global stage. This achievement is an example of how providing youth with opportunities can allow them to shine, both locally and internationally.

Creating Opportunities for Skills Validation

As part of the broader effort to empower Kenya’s youth, Murkomen emphasized the importance of skills validation and certification. The government’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program allows individuals to validate their skills and obtain certification from the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA). By formalizing their skills, young Kenyans open new doors to employment and entrepreneurship, improving their prospects in a competitive job market.

The recognition of informal skills is crucial, especially for those who may not have had access to traditional education paths. Murkomen’s message was clear: Kenya’s youth must seize the opportunities provided by these certification programs to better their lives and build sustainable careers.

Leveraging Affirmative Funds for Youth Empowerment

In his speech, Murkomen also encouraged young people to take full advantage of the affirmative funds available to them. Programs such as the Youth Enterprise Development Fund, UWEZO Fund, Women Enterprise Fund, National Government Affirmative Action Fund, and Hustler Fund offer financial support to help youth start businesses, engage in entrepreneurial activities, and improve their socio-economic status.

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These funds provide critical financial support for youth-led initiatives and small businesses, giving young entrepreneurs the capital they need to start or grow their ventures. Murkomen urged the youth to explore these opportunities, noting that financial independence and entrepreneurship are key drivers of economic growth and stability.

Scouting and Nurturing Talent: The WhoZNext Program

In addition to financial support, Murkomen highlighted upcoming programs aimed at talent scouting and development. One of these initiatives, called WhoZNext, is designed to identify and nurture Kenya’s next generation of top talent. The program aims to create platforms for young Kenyans to showcase their abilities and gain recognition for their talents, whether in sports, arts, or other fields.

Murkomen stressed that young people should not only focus on academic achievements but should also tap into their creative and athletic talents. By doing so, they can unlock new opportunities and contribute to Kenya’s cultural and economic development. He encouraged youth to embrace such programs and take advantage of the resources available to them.

Environmental Responsibility and Peaceful Coexistence

Murkomen also touched on the importance of environmental responsibility and the role that youth can play in mitigating climate change. He called on the graduates to become champions of climate adaptation and mitigation measures, emphasizing that a sustainable future depends on collective action. “I urge you to be cognizant of climate adaptation and mitigation measures to better our environment,” Murkomen said.

In addition to environmental stewardship, Murkomen underscored the significance of peace and stability in Kenya’s future. He urged the youth to become peace ambassadors, noting that a peaceful and prosperous Kenya depends on the actions of both young and old. By promoting peace, the youth can help create a harmonious environment that is conducive to economic growth and social cohesion.

IYF’s Role in Supporting Disadvantaged Youth

The IYF Weekend Academy has played a crucial role in providing life skills training to disadvantaged youth. Many of the participants are high school graduates who were unable to continue their education due to financial constraints or social challenges. The Academy has given them an opportunity to learn skills that can help them secure jobs, start businesses, and improve their livelihoods.

Rev. Dr. Ock Soo Park, the founder of IYF, has been a driving force behind the success of this program. He has consistently advocated for the development of young people, particularly those facing difficult circumstances. In his address during the graduation ceremony, Rev. Park expressed his hope that the youth of Kenya would live bright and fulfilling lives through the grace of God. “IYF is teaching young people to live a bright and blessed life, and I hope that many people of Kenya will live a bright life through the grace of God,” Rev. Park said.

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The graduation ceremony at Moi International Stadium marked not just the end of an educational journey but the beginning of a new chapter for 6,000 young Kenyans. Through programs like the IYF’s Mind Education and the government’s NYOTA Project, the youth are being equipped with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of the modern world and contribute to Kenya’s development.

As CS Murkomen aptly put it, the youth are the cornerstone of Kenya’s future. By investing in their education, life skills, and values, Kenya is setting the stage for a brighter, more prosperous future. Whether through talent development, environmental stewardship, or peace-building efforts, the youth have the potential to transform their communities and the world. It is now up to them to seize these opportunities and chart a course toward success.

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