Embrace Technical Skills for a Brighter Future If you Fail to Reach University, Youth Urged

In an era where traditional academic pathways are often seen as the primary route to success, educationist Gideon Omariba is challenging this notion by urging youth who do not achieve university grades to embrace technical skills. With an increasing demand for technical expertise, Omariba highlights the wealth of opportunities that await those who venture into this often-overlooked field.

The High Demand for Technicians

Omariba points out a significant gap in the market: the high demand for technicians juxtaposed with the limited number of youth equipped with the necessary skills. This shortage forces investors to look beyond local talent, sourcing skilled workers from other regions. In response to this, Omariba is calling on the youth to change their mindset towards technical education and take advantage of the burgeoning opportunities.

“Skilled workers are paid highly based on the cost of the project, unlike employees in the formal sector,” Omariba told Education News. He draws attention to the lucrative nature of technical professions, where earnings can be substantially higher due to the specialized skills involved. This is particularly relevant as the government continues to invest in extensive housing projects, requiring expertise in plumbing, metalwork, electrical installation, and other technical fields.

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The Industrialized World Model

Omariba further emphasizes that the developed world has long recognized the value of technical workers, integrating them into industries to achieve high levels of industrialization. This model, he suggests, is one that should be adopted locally to spur economic growth and self-reliance among the youth.

The Perspective of Kisii County Youth Officer

Supporting Omariba’s stance, Kisii County Youth Officer Aatos Mogoi also urges university and college graduates to consider acquiring technical skills. In an interview with Education News, Mogoi emphasized the importance of graduates possessing additional skills that enable them to multitask, increase productivity, and save time. He believes that private investors are increasingly seeking graduates who can offer more than just theoretical knowledge.

“Graduates should adopt new technologies to back up their degrees and diplomas to compete in the shrinking job market,” Mogoi advised. His insights highlight a critical issue: the job market is becoming more competitive, and those who can demonstrate a combination of academic knowledge and practical skills will have a distinct advantage.

The Need for Self-Reliance

Both Omariba and Mogoi stress the importance of self-reliance. By acquiring technical skills, youth can become self-employed and create their own opportunities rather than relying solely on formal employment. This shift not only fosters personal growth but also contributes to the broader economic development of the region.

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Encouraging Entrepreneurial Initiatives

Mogoi also encourages the youth to form groups and companies, leveraging public funds to invest in income-generating projects. This entrepreneurial approach can further enhance self-reliance and financial stability among young people. By working together and pooling resources, youth can initiate projects that not only provide income but also address community needs and create jobs for others.


In conclusion, embracing technical skills offers a viable and lucrative alternative to traditional academic pathways. With the support of educationists like Gideon Omariba and youth officers like Aatos Mogoi, the youth can be inspired to pursue technical education and seize the numerous opportunities available in this field. By doing so, they can achieve self-reliance, contribute to economic growth, and compete effectively in an increasingly competitive job market. The call to action is clear: it’s time for the youth to change their mindset and embrace the potential that technical skills offer.

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