Farouk Kibet Slams Gachagua for Opposing MPs Touring Parts of the Country

Farouk Kibet, a close aide to President William Ruto, has openly criticised Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s recent comments urging elected leaders to confine themselves to their constituencies. Kibet voiced his disapproval during a fundraiser in Nandi County, where he underscored the importance of national unity and the role of leaders in fostering it.

In his address, Farouk Kibet expressed that Gachagua’s statements were not only misguided but also selfish. He argued that elected leaders have a duty to traverse the country, engaging with citizens from all regions to promote cohesion and unity. “Leaders should not be confined to their constituencies; they should move around the country to preach unity and development,” Kibet remarked.

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Kibet’s criticism aligns him with several Kenya Kwanza Alliance leaders who have also spoken out against Gachagua’s stance. They believe that limiting leaders to their constituencies undermines the spirit of national unity and collaboration that the alliance seeks to promote.

The remarks from Deputy President Gachagua had stirred significant controversy, with many seeing them as an attempt to isolate leaders and restrict their influence to local matters. Gachagua had suggested that MPs and other elected officials should focus on the issues within their constituencies rather than touring other parts of the country. However, his comments have been met with backlash from various political quarters.

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Farouk Kibet’s response highlights a growing rift within the Kenya Kwanza Alliance on the approach to leadership and national unity. Kibet emphasized that the ability of leaders to connect with people across the country is crucial for building a cohesive and united nation. “We cannot achieve national unity if our leaders are restricted to their localities. They need to interact with citizens from all walks of life and understand their diverse issues and aspirations,” he added.

The debate over the movement and role of elected leaders is likely to continue, with Farouk Kibet’s remarks adding to the discourse on the best ways to achieve national unity and development. As President William Ruto’s administration navigates these internal differences, the focus remains on fostering a united and prosperous Kenya.