Felicity Shiru recently shared a heartwarming New Year video that showcased her bond with her daughter Redna, much to the delight of her fans. The video, titled “Guess Who Came to Visit Us After a Long Time,” saw Felicity and Redna having fun and laughing together, further dispelling rumors about any tension between them. Fans were quick to praise their strong relationship, expressing admiration for the love and respect they share.
In the video, Redna addressed the online speculation surrounding the pair, particularly the rumors suggesting that they were not getting along. “People keep pressuring us, asking, ‘Why don’t you two get along? Why don’t you talk?’” Redna said, before reassuring viewers that everything was fine between them. Felicity echoed her sentiments, stating, “We didn’t have any issues.” Their candid discussion shed light on their peaceful co-existence and mutual understanding.
The conversation then took an unexpected turn when Redna brought up a trending rumor from December 2024. In that rumor, a woman resembling Felicity was spotted with Thee Pluto at church, leading to speculation about their relationship. Felicity laughed it off, emphasizing that it wasn’t her in the photo, despite the similarities in appearance, such as long braids and glasses. She also clarified that her fashion style didn’t match the woman’s, further dispelling the rumors.
When the topic shifted to co-parenting, Redna playfully asked, “Are you co-parenting?” Felicity, ever the witty one, deflected with a question of her own: “What does co-parenting mean to you?” This response left fans wondering about the dynamics of her relationship with Thee Pluto, but the conversation seemed to reflect their mature approach to their family life.
Felicity’s openness and the mutual respect between her and Redna offer a refreshing perspective on modern family dynamics, showing that co-parenting can be peaceful and filled with love.