Comedian Flaqo recently addressed the drama surrounding his reportedly “missing” Nissan Note, also known as “Kadudu,” after fans raised questions following a photo of cars shared on social media. The image was posted during his visit to Jacky Vike’s rural home on January 2, 2025, where Flaqo spent time with Crazy Kennar and Jacky, seemingly enjoying a casual and peaceful moment. However, fans quickly jumped to conclusions, wondering about the whereabouts of the car he had gifted to his ex-girlfriend, Keranta.
The saga began when, in October 2024, Keranta made a candid admission during an interview with Nation. She confessed that Flaqo had repossessed the car he had bought her for her 22nd birthday in 2023, after their relationship ended. Keranta confirmed that despite once being ready for marriage, the two broke up after three years together. She also shared that she wasn’t ready to have children, which contributed to the end of the relationship. “We broke up a long time ago, and we both moved on,” Keranta said in the interview.
While the repossession of the car was a sensitive topic, Flaqo continued to engage with his fans in a humorous way. When one IG user humorously asked if everyone was enjoying their own car, Flaqo cheekily responded, “Haha, niliacha gari ya maana Nrb wacha nikalie ya wenyewe.” Another fan jokingly brought up the repossession of the car, suggesting it had passed from Keranta to her new boyfriend, to which Flaqo responded, “Taja tu wenye hawana na majina.”
Throughout the exchange, Flaqo maintained his lighthearted approach, even humorously addressing another fan who asked about the whereabouts of “Kadudu” by saying, “Kwa sirwari yako.” Flaqo’s interactions showcased his playful nature, turning what could have been an awkward moment into an opportunity for humor.
Despite the attention surrounding the car, Flaqo’s response highlights how personal matters can be handled with a blend of humor and transparency in the face of public scrutiny.