Governor Arati Urges President Ruto to Form Alliance with ODM Ahead of 2027 Elections

Kisii County Governor Simba Arati has publicly called on President William Ruto to consider merging the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) with the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party ahead of the 2027 general elections. Speaking in Kondele, Kisumu County, on August 31, 2024, Governor Arati emphasized the historical ties between President Ruto and ODM, noting Ruto’s role as one of the party’s founders. He suggested that this connection makes ODM a natural ally for the President in the next election cycle.

Governor Arati expressed gratitude for President Ruto’s support of ODM leader Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Chairmanship. His comments were particularly striking given the long-standing rivalry between Ruto’s UDA and Raila’s ODM, two of Kenya’s most prominent political parties.

“Mheshimiwa rais alikuwa mwanzilishi wa kwanza wa ODM. Tumezunguka Nyanza nzima na wamekubali kwamba ikija 2027, asisumbuke sana aingie pamoja na ODM. Rais tunakukaribisha kwa chama kwa sababu wewe ni mtu wa ODM. Nashukuru sana kwa sababu umesimama na baba kuhakikisha kuwa atakuwa rais wa Afrika,” Arati said, addressing the crowd in Kisumu. This roughly translates to: “Honorable President, you were one of the founding members of ODM. We have traversed the entire Nyanza region, and they have agreed that in 2027, you should not struggle much but join forces with ODM. We welcome you to the party because you are an ODM person. I am very grateful because you have stood with Raila to ensure he becomes the President of Africa.”

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Governor Arati’s remarks come at a time when Kenya’s political landscape is undergoing significant shifts. During his own address, President Ruto hinted at a future collaboration between UDA and ODM, suggesting that the 2027 elections could see the two parties joining forces to form a unified government. He further downplayed the prospect of ODM remaining in the opposition, signaling a potential end to the adversarial politics that have characterized the relationship between the two parties for years.

Addressing residents in Ugunja, Siaya County, President Ruto stated, “Hiyo uongozi wa upinzani, baada ya miaka mitatu, hiyo kiongozi ya upinzani tutatafutia watu wengine kwa sababu sisi wote tutakuwa tuko upande wa serikali,” which translates to, “The leadership of the opposition, after three years, will be given to others because we will all be on the side of the government.”

Ruto’s comments reflect a strategic shift, as he continues to consolidate power and seek alliances that could bolster his position in the next election. By extending an olive branch to ODM, Ruto appears to be prioritizing national unity and stability over traditional party rivalries. This move could also be seen as an acknowledgment of Raila Odinga’s influence and the need to mitigate the political instability that has plagued the country in recent years.

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President Ruto praised Raila Odinga for his recent conduct during anti-government protests, which had previously led to widespread unrest. He acknowledged Raila’s pivotal role in maintaining calm and expressed a desire to work closely with him moving forward. “Raila Odinga knows what is good for Kenya,” Ruto stated, adding that his decision to reach out to Raila was motivated by a desire to address the country’s political instability.

The potential alliance between UDA and ODM would mark a dramatic realignment of Kenya’s political scene, which has traditionally been dominated by fierce competition between the two parties. Such a merger could also have significant implications for the 2027 elections, reshaping voter dynamics and altering the strategies of other political entities.

As Kenya approaches the 2027 general elections, the possibility of a UDA-ODM alliance will undoubtedly be a key topic of discussion among political analysts and the general public. If realized, this partnership could redefine the country’s political future, ushering in a new era of collaboration and potentially stabilizing a historically volatile political landscape.

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