Governor Bii Protests Delays by KEMSA in Delivering Medical Supplies, Calls for Monopoly Review

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii has publicly criticized the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) for delaying the delivery of medical supplies to counties and distributing less than half of the requested orders. The governor expressed his frustrations during a recent event in Eldoret, where he received a consignment of medical supplies from KEMSA valued at Sh43 million, despite placing an order for drugs worth Sh67 million.

Bii’s comments reflect a growing concern among county governors about KEMSA’s efficiency in handling the distribution of critical medical supplies to healthcare facilities across the country. He accused the agency of sabotaging health services in counties by delaying deliveries, thus crippling the capacity of hospitals to provide adequate medical care.

“KEMSA consistently delays in delivering drugs and supplies less than half of what counties order,” Bii said during the event. He emphasized that this was not an isolated problem for Uasin Gishu County, but rather a nationwide challenge faced by all county governments.

A Call to End KEMSA’s Monopoly

Governor Bii’s criticisms go beyond the delayed delivery of supplies. He questioned the monopoly that KEMSA holds as the sole distributor of medical supplies to counties, stating that the time had come to review this system. According to the governor, counties should not be limited to relying solely on one agency for such a critical service.

“Our people deserve the best healthcare services, yet we continue to face delays from KEMSA. This monopoly limits our ability to deliver, and we should not be forced to rely solely on one entity for such a critical need,” he said.

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The governor underscored that the health of citizens is too important to be jeopardized by the inefficiencies of one agency. He suggested that counties should have the freedom to source medical supplies from other suppliers if KEMSA continues to fail in meeting the needs of local healthcare facilities.

KEMSA’s Impact on Health Services

The delays in delivering medical supplies have significantly affected the quality of healthcare services in counties. According to Governor Bii, Uasin Gishu County had placed an order for drugs worth Sh67 million but only received supplies worth Sh43 million. This shortfall has strained the county’s ability to meet the healthcare needs of its residents.

“We should not punish our people because of KEMSA’s failures. This matter has to be looked into with urgency so that we stop the unnecessary delays in the supply of drugs,” he said, calling for a reevaluation of how medical supplies are distributed to counties.

Bii also toured Kapteldon Hospital in Kapseret, where he supervised the distribution of the drugs received from KEMSA. He assured the public that his administration is committed to ensuring the best healthcare for the people of Uasin Gishu.

“My administration is fully committed to serving the great people of Uasin Gishu. Health remains a top priority, and we will not relent in our efforts to ensure the best possible care,” he added.

KEMSA’s Response

In response to the governor’s allegations, KEMSA CEO Waqo Dulacha defended the authority’s performance, insisting that KEMSA has been working diligently to meet its service level agreements with counties. Dulacha pointed out that KEMSA consistently supplies medical orders in a timely manner and ensures that deliveries are made to the last mile.

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However, Dulacha also highlighted that counties have their own part to play in ensuring smooth operations. He emphasized that some counties have failed to clear their debts to KEMSA, which in turn leads to service interruptions, including delayed deliveries and account suspensions.

“We implore counties to meet their part of the bargain by paying their debts to avoid the suspension of accounts, which results in the interruption of service delivery,” Dulacha said.

The Need for Urgent Reform

Governor Bii’s call for a review of KEMSA’s monopoly aligns with a broader push by county governments for more autonomy in procuring medical supplies. Many county leaders have expressed frustration with the current system, arguing that the health of millions of Kenyans is at stake. The delays and shortfalls in deliveries compromise the quality of care offered in public health facilities and exacerbate existing challenges in the healthcare system.

The issue of delayed medical supplies from KEMSA has been a long-standing problem, with many counties reporting similar difficulties. While KEMSA insists that it has been working to address the situation, the persistent issues suggest that a more comprehensive solution may be needed.

As Governor Bii pointed out, counties must be given the flexibility to seek alternative sources for medical supplies if KEMSA continues to underperform. This would ensure that public health services are not compromised and that citizens receive the care they deserve.

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The conversation surrounding KEMSA’s monopoly is likely to intensify as more county governors join the call for reforms. The agency’s ability to adapt and improve its service delivery will be critical in determining whether it retains its central role in the country’s healthcare system or whether alternative solutions are pursued.

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