Kenyan actress Grace Wacuka is facing legal action after accusing a top director at Insignia Kenya Films Ltd of sexual harassment. The actress, known for her role as Olivia in the TV series Single Kiasi, claims that after sharing her experience with the director in a WhatsApp group of industry professionals, she was served with a cease-and-desist letter. The letter, dated January 16, 2025, threatened Wacuka with a defamation lawsuit if she did not retract her statements and issue a public apology.
Wacuka’s allegations date back to November 2022, when she was working on Single Kiasi. She recalls struggling with a scene and, after a break, being approached by the director. Instead of offering support, Wacuka alleges that the director inappropriately touched her, placing her hand on his body and making suggestive comments. Shocked and distressed, she confronted him about the incident, but he reportedly dismissed her concerns. Wacuka claims that, shortly after, she was no longer cast for the series.
Despite the incident, Wacuka did not report the harassment to anyone on set. However, a year later, she was invited to audition for another Insignia project, Kash Money. Wacuka says she informed the director of the prior harassment and requested a resolution before moving forward. She alleges that the harasser refused to apologize, which led her to decline the audition.
On January 18, 2025, Wacuka posted a TikTok video further sharing her account of the events. This led to Insignia Kenya Films Ltd sending a cease-and-desist letter, claiming that Wacuka’s statements were defamatory and caused significant harm to their reputation. The company demanded that she retract her statements and issue a public apology by January 17, 2025, threatening legal action if she failed to comply.
Wacuka, who has not yet responded to whether she will adhere to the demands, is facing a difficult situation that highlights the complexities of addressing sexual harassment within the entertainment industry. Her case raises important questions about the balance between protecting victims of harassment and the potential legal consequences of making public accusations. The legal battle is ongoing, and the outcome could have significant implications for both Wacuka and the wider film industry in Kenya.