A tragic incident unfolded on February 17, 2023, when a Michigan high school senior, Jack Snyder, was killed in a botched carjacking attempt. Snyder, 17, was on his way home after celebrating his girlfriend’s birthday when he encountered two boys, Dewond Estes, 13, and Justice Chimner, 14, walking in the cold in Battle Creek. Moved by their apparent need, Snyder decided to offer the boys a ride, hoping to help them out.
However, the situation quickly turned violent. Instead of showing gratitude, Estes and Chimner attempted to steal Snyder’s car. During the attempted carjacking, Chimner shot Snyder twice. Snyder crashed his vehicle, and despite efforts from paramedics, he was pronounced dead at the scene. The two teens fled the scene, leaving Snyder’s lifeless body behind.
Detectives from the Battle Creek Police Department worked quickly to identify the suspects, and Estes and Chimner were soon apprehended. Both teens were charged with serious crimes, including carjacking and murder. Estes initially tried to claim that he was merely a bystander, but investigators found evidence that he had been involved in planning the crime. He had even FaceTimed a friend earlier, discussing the idea of stealing a car.
In October, Estes pleaded guilty to carjacking, and prosecutors dropped the murder charge against him. On January 6, 2025, he was sentenced by a Michigan judge to a juvenile detention facility. Despite being convicted as an adult, Estes received a blended sentence, meaning he will be placed in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services until he turns 18. After that, the judge will review whether he should be transferred to the adult corrections system. Estes will also have to appear before the judge every 90 days to assess his progress.
Chimner, on the other hand, pleaded guilty to murder in December 2024. He will face a sentence of between 35 and 60 years when he is sentenced in March 2025.
Jack Snyder was remembered fondly by those who knew him. Described as light-hearted, charismatic, and humorous, he was a beloved member of his high school community. Snyder was an avid soccer player, and his passion for the sport was evident in everything he did. He was set to graduate from Battle Creek Central High School before his life was tragically cut short.
The loss of Snyder has left a deep impact on his family, friends, and the community. His kind gesture of offering a ride to two strangers ended in an unthinkable tragedy, highlighting the dangers of random acts of violence and the devastating consequences of a senseless crime.