The historic Limuru Country Club, established in 1945, was devastated by a fire that ravaged its clubhouse. The incident, which occurred around 3:30 am, has left the cause of the blaze under investigation. Thankfully, no injuries or fatalities have been reported.
The club’s Chairman, John Keru, confirmed that at the time of the fire, no staff, members, or guests were present in the clubhouse. Keru expressed relief in a statement, noting that the absence of people on-site during the fire had prevented any casualties. Fire marshals were quick to respond to the scene and have been working tirelessly to assess the damage and salvage what they can from the affected areas.
Following the fire, the Limuru Country Club announced a temporary closure of its clubhouse. This closure is expected to remain in effect until a thorough safety evaluation is completed and the extent of the damage is fully assessed. Keru emphasized that the decision was made to prioritize the safety of everyone involved, and the club’s management pledged to keep members and the public updated on the investigation’s progress and the reopening timeline.
The fire’s cause remains unknown, with investigations ongoing. Local authorities have joined fire marshals in the effort to understand the origin of the blaze, and any potential safety concerns related to the structure will be addressed during the evaluation process.
In a separate incident, another fire broke out at the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (KSPCA) on January 3, destroying several of the society’s structures. Fortunately, no animals or humans were harmed in the blaze. The KSPCA has appealed for support to help reconstruct the damaged facilities and ensure the continued care of the animals in their custody.
Both incidents highlight the ongoing risks of fires in public spaces, prompting a renewed focus on fire safety protocols and the need for prompt response measures.