How to Perfect Your Sunday Reset

If you’ve spent any time on social media recently, you’re likely familiar with the concept of the Sunday reset. This aesthetically pleasing ritual involves refreshing your home and mind in preparation for the week ahead. However, if you’re like me and prefer your Sundays to be more relaxing, the idea of a rigorous cleaning schedule might seem stressful. Thankfully, I’ve found a way to turn this into a productive and mindful activity, boosting well-being without the overwhelm. Here’s my three-section method to perfect a Sunday reset without ending the week feeling frazzled.

Tidy Up Throughout the Week

The key to a less stressful Sunday reset is to clean a little and often during the week. By taking care of major tasks like cleaning the kitchen and bathroom beforehand, you’re left with only minor chores on Sunday. This way, Sunday tasks are like the icing on the cake, allowing you to finish up without feeling overwhelmed.

During the week, try to incorporate small cleaning habits into your daily routine. For example, wiping down kitchen counters after cooking, putting away clothes at the end of the day, and doing a quick sweep of high-traffic areas can make a big difference. This approach ensures that your home stays relatively tidy, reducing the need for an extensive cleaning session on Sunday. Additionally, it can help you maintain a sense of order and calm throughout the week, making your home a more pleasant place to be.

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Focus on Easy, Therapeutic Tasks

Instead of aiming for a completely chore-free weekend, which can be unrealistic, I leave less overwhelming tasks for Sunday. This encourages me to get out of bed and avoid doom-scrolling through my phone. Here’s what a typical Sunday morning looks like for me:

  • Change Bedding: Refresh your bed with clean sheets and make it look cozy. There’s nothing like climbing into a freshly made bed at the end of the day. This small task can make a significant difference in how your bedroom feels and can set a positive tone for the rest of your Sunday reset.
  • Do Laundry: I find laundry oddly therapeutic. Start a load of laundry to get things going. Sorting clothes, folding them, and putting them away can be a mindful activity that allows you to focus on the present moment. Plus, the sight of clean, neatly folded clothes can be very satisfying.
  • Declutter Surfaces: Pick up clutter and mess from around the house and return items to their proper places. A pro tip is to use the now-empty laundry hamper to collect everything that needs to be put away, inspired by my Ski-Slope organizing method. This method involves gradually moving items from one place to another, much like skiing down a slope, making the task feel less daunting.
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The beauty of these tasks is that they typically take less than an hour to complete (or at least start, in the case of laundry), freeing up the rest of your day to relax or go out and enjoy your time off.

Choose Chores Wisely

When deciding on your own Sunday chores, pick tasks that make your home feel clean and cozy without bogging you down. The goal is to give your day structure while making your living space more pleasant to relax in. Some ideas include:

  • Put Away Laundry: Ensure all clean clothes are folded and put away. This not only keeps your living space tidy but also makes it easier to find what you need during the week.
  • Vacuum Carpets: Freshly vacuumed carpets instantly make a room feel cleaner. This simple task can significantly improve the overall look and feel of your home, creating a more inviting environment.
  • Tidy the Living Room: Vacuum and plump the sofa cushions for a welcoming living space. A neat and orderly living room can be a great place to unwind and enjoy your Sunday afternoon.

By following these steps, your Sunday reset becomes a productive yet peaceful ritual, setting you up for a great week ahead. Remember, the goal is not to create a picture-perfect home but to cultivate an environment that supports your well-being and allows you to start the new week feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

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