Nominated Member of Parliament Sabina Chege has sparked debate after expressing her shock at the state of housing in Bungoma County. Speaking on Spice FM on Thursday, Chege recounted her observations from a recent visit, where she was struck by the prevalence of mud houses, even in commercial centers.
Chege highlighted that such conditions are uncommon in her home region of Central Kenya, where the standards of living are generally higher. She attributed the disparity to economic differences, particularly the presence of cash crops like tea and coffee in Central Kenya, which have significantly improved local livelihoods.
“When we attended the burial of the mother of our Speaker of the National Assembly, I was shocked to see that in Bungoma County, there are still many mud houses, and even an entire shopping centre made of mud,” Chege remarked.
While clarifying that her intent was not to favor one region over another, Chege emphasized the need to address the underlying causes of underdevelopment. She pointed out that in Central Kenya, cash crop farming has played a crucial role in raising living standards. Families have been able to use proceeds from tea and coffee to educate their children, secure bank loans, and build modern homes.
Reflecting on her own upbringing, Chege shared that tea farming was integral to her family’s economic stability. “We would wake up early before school to pick tea and work late into the evening. We worked very hard. We farmed,” she recalled. She also mentioned how her mother would provide her with cheques from tea bonuses to take to school, underscoring how cash crops provided financial security for many families.
According to Chege, the availability of tea and coffee in the Mount Kenya region has been a key advantage, which is not the case in other parts of the country. She suggested that investment in alternative economic activities in regions like Bungoma could help bridge the development gap.
Her remarks have ignited discussions on regional economic inequalities in Kenya, with many calling for policies that promote equitable development across all counties.