Kwale Shifts Focus: Halts New Health Facility Construction to Upgrade Existing Centers

Kwale County, under the leadership of Governor Fatuma Achani, has made a significant shift in its healthcare strategy by halting the construction of new health facilities to concentrate on enhancing and upgrading existing ones. This strategic decision marks a pivotal moment in the county’s efforts to revitalize its primary healthcare sector and improve service delivery for its residents.

Prior to devolution, Kwale County had only 35 health centres scattered across its diverse regions. However, with the advent of devolution, this number surged to 162 health facilities distributed among the Matuga, Msambweni, Kinango, Samburu, Shimba Hills, and Lunga Lunga subcounties. Despite this expansion, the county now faces the challenge of ensuring that these facilities operate at their optimal capacity to effectively serve the population.

Governor Achani’s administration has recognized that merely increasing the number of health facilities is not enough. The focus has shifted towards revitalizing and renovating the existing centres to ensure they meet the required standards of functionality and service delivery. This approach is intended to address issues of quality and accessibility within the primary healthcare system. Achani emphasized that improving the current infrastructure is crucial for achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC), which aims to make quality healthcare accessible to all individuals, especially the underserved and vulnerable populations.

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During a recent public forum in Msambweni subcounty, Achani outlined the county’s plans to enhance its healthcare services. The strategy includes the provision of necessary equipment, medications, and personnel to ensure that the health facilities are well-equipped and adequately staffed. She acknowledged that while the county has made strides in increasing the number of healthcare workers from 365 in 2013 to 1,800 in 2024, there remains a need for further improvement. This increase in workforce includes specialists such as gynecologists, urologists, and psychologists, which has expanded the range of services available to residents.

However, the county’s efforts are constrained by budgetary limitations and resource availability. Achani explained that due to these constraints, the focus will be on renovating existing facilities, procuring essential medical equipment, and employing additional health workers as a short-term solution to address the growing demand for healthcare services. This approach reflects a pragmatic response to the challenges faced in providing comprehensive healthcare amidst financial limitations.

The Governor also called for support from partners and stakeholders to help bolster the county’s healthcare sector. She highlighted the importance of collaboration in improving health services and ensuring that the benefits reach all segments of the population. Achani underscored that prioritizing healthcare provision is essential for enhancing overall productivity and ensuring equitable access to medical services.

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In addition to the renovation and upgrading efforts, the county is also advancing other healthcare projects. One notable initiative is the ongoing construction of a Sh65 million cancer treatment centre, which aims to enhance cancer care through early detection and treatment. This facility is expected to significantly improve cancer care in the region and provide essential services that were previously lacking.

The county’s commitment to providing free health services at Level 2 and 3 facilities is another step towards improving access to quality healthcare. These services are designed to cater to the basic healthcare needs of the population and are part of the broader strategy to make healthcare more accessible and affordable.

Governor Achani concluded her remarks by urging residents to take proactive steps to protect their health and seek timely medical attention when needed. She stressed that individual actions, combined with the county’s efforts to improve healthcare infrastructure and services, are crucial for achieving better health outcomes for the people of Kwale.

In summary, Kwale County’s shift in focus from constructing new health facilities to enhancing existing ones represents a strategic move to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare services. Through renovations, equipment upgrades, and increased staffing, the county aims to address current challenges and work towards achieving Universal Health Coverage for all residents.

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