Laikipia County Acquires Borehole Drilling Equipment to Combat Water Shortage

Laikipia County has taken a significant step towards addressing its persistent water scarcity by acquiring borehole drilling equipment, a move that promises to alleviate the water challenges faced by residents. The newly acquired equipment, which includes tippers, caterpillars, water bowsers, and drilling trucks, is part of a collaborative initiative between the Laikipia County Government and the Ewaso Ng’iro North Development Authority (ENNDA). This partnership is aimed at enhancing water infrastructure, promoting irrigation, and bolstering food security for the county’s residents.

Speaking in Isiolo on Thursday, Laikipia Governor Joshua Irungu highlighted the importance of the partnership in delivering critical services to the people of Laikipia. “The partnership targets on how we can join hands and give services to the people since the county might have the capacity to do the repairs and fuel, however not buying or leasing,” said Governor Irungu. This collaboration underscores the county’s commitment to leveraging available resources and expertise to address the pressing water shortage in the region.

Governor Irungu further disclosed that the county would allocate funds from the supplementary budget to repair the equipment and initiate water drilling activities next month. “We have settled on an agreement as the county government on putting aside some finances to repair some of these machines that have been laying here without giving services just because of some minor mechanical issues,” he explained. This proactive approach aims to maximize the utility of the existing machinery and expedite the drilling of boreholes.

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A key component of Governor Irungu’s water strategy is the ambitious plan to construct 300 boreholes over the next five years. This initiative is designed to ensure that no resident will have to walk more than three kilometers to access clean water. By significantly increasing the number of boreholes, the county aims to reduce the daily burden on residents who currently have to travel long distances in search of water, especially during the dry seasons.

In addition to drilling boreholes, Governor Irungu emphasized the need for effective water harvesting and storage measures. He noted that during the rainy season, a significant amount of water is lost due to inadequate storage facilities. To address this, the county plans to construct dams that will serve multiple purposes, including providing water for livestock, hospitals, schools, and community conservancies. The enhancement of water infrastructure is expected to have a positive impact on the tourism sector, which plays a vital role in Laikipia’s economy.

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“In partnership with ENNDA, we can do major projects and address the problem of water harvesting and irrigation. When we put our resources together we can be able to achieve more,” said Governor Irungu. This statement reflects the collaborative spirit that underpins the partnership with ENNDA, which is committed to improving water infrastructure in arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs).

ENNDA Managing Director Eng. Ali Ibrahim Hassan echoed the governor’s sentiments, expressing optimism about the impact of the water drilling equipment on Laikipia’s water infrastructure. “We have had the discussion on how we can collaborate and improve the water infrastructure in Laikipia using this equipment,” said Eng. Hassan. He also called on other ASAL counties in the Northern region to join forces in the fight against water scarcity, emphasizing the potential benefits of regional collaboration.

As Laikipia County gears up to kick off its borehole drilling program next month, the acquisition of the new equipment marks a crucial milestone in the county’s efforts to enhance water access for its residents. With a clear vision and a strong partnership with ENNDA, Governor Irungu’s administration is poised to make significant strides in addressing the water challenges that have long plagued Laikipia.

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