Laikipia Residents Protest Impassable Nanyuki-Rumuruti Road: A Call for Action

On Tuesday morning, residents of Laikipia County took to the streets, barricading the Nanyuki-Rumuruti road in a demonstration fueled by frustration and desperation. The protest highlighted a longstanding issue: the government’s failure to fulfill promises to upgrade a critical 80km stretch of road to bitumen standards. This situation has created significant hardships for the local community, particularly during the rainy season when the road becomes nearly impassable. The protest not only reflects the local community’s grievances but also raises essential questions about governance, accountability, and the impact of neglected infrastructure on people’s lives.


The Nanyuki-Rumuruti road is not merely a passage for vehicles; it serves as a vital link between Nanyuki, a bustling town, and the new Laikipia County headquarters at Rumuruti. This route is crucial for trade, transportation, and access to essential services. However, the road’s condition has deteriorated significantly, particularly during the rainy season when heavy rains render it almost unusable. Residents have reported that some vehicles can become stuck for days, forcing many to take the longer, less convenient route through Naromuru and Nyahururu, which stretches the journey to 151 km.

The protests on Tuesday drew attention to the frustrations felt by residents over the government’s unfulfilled promises regarding road upgrades. David Mwaura, a local resident, voiced the sentiments of many when he said, “President Ruto has made several pledges first as the Deputy President in 2018, then during the campaigns leading to the 2022 General Election and early this year during a visit to Nanyuki Town when he commissioned the Government’s Affordable Housing Project, but nothing has been done.”

The Human Impact

The neglect of the Nanyuki-Rumuruti road has real-life consequences, particularly for the most vulnerable members of the community. Patients needing urgent medical attention, especially expectant mothers, face significant risks during their journeys to Nanyuki Teaching and Referral Hospital. The journey, which should take a reasonable amount of time, can extend to five hours for a mere 25 km distance. Tragically, there have been reports of patients losing their lives en route to medical care due to the road’s condition.

Moreover, traders and public service vehicle operators have decried substantial losses stemming from delayed deliveries and costly vehicle maintenance. The lack of infrastructure directly impacts the local economy, making it increasingly difficult for businesses to operate efficiently. The grievances voiced during the protests underscore a broader frustration with elected leaders who have repeatedly used promises of road rehabilitation as part of their campaign agendas since 2013, only to see little action taken once in office.

Government Response

The protest escalated until armed police officers intervened, leading to the removal of barricades and the restoration of traffic. However, the presence of law enforcement only served as a temporary measure to quell the immediate unrest. It raises questions about the effectiveness of police intervention in addressing underlying community grievances. Instead of merely managing protests, there is an urgent need for the government to engage with residents and address their concerns comprehensively.

Local leaders and government officials must recognize that the situation requires immediate action. The residents of Laikipia have made it clear that their patience is running thin, and their demands are not only reasonable but essential for their survival and well-being.

The Role of Community Activism

The protests in Laikipia reflect a broader trend of community activism across Kenya. Citizens are becoming increasingly aware of their rights and are willing to stand up for their needs. This activism is crucial in holding elected officials accountable for their promises and ensuring that government resources are directed toward the improvement of public infrastructure.

In Laikipia, community leaders are calling for an organized approach to advocate for the road’s upgrade. This includes forming coalitions with local organizations, engaging in dialogues with government representatives, and mobilizing community resources to push for necessary changes. The use of social media platforms to raise awareness about the issues faced by residents can also play a significant role in garnering support and attracting the attention of decision-makers.

A Call to Action

The recent protests serve as a wake-up call for both the government and local leaders. It is imperative that the administration prioritizes the upgrading of the Nanyuki-Rumuruti road and addresses the infrastructure challenges faced by the residents of Laikipia. The government must honor its commitments and work collaboratively with the community to find viable solutions.

Several key actions must be taken:

  1. Immediate Assessment and Planning: The government should conduct a thorough assessment of the road’s condition and develop a clear plan for upgrading it to bitumen standards. This plan must include timelines, budget allocations, and a transparent process for community involvement.
  2. Engagement with Local Communities: The government should establish regular forums for dialogue with residents to ensure their voices are heard and that they are involved in decision-making processes. This engagement will foster trust and collaboration between the community and its leaders.
  3. Allocation of Resources: Ensuring that adequate resources are allocated for road maintenance and upgrades is essential. The government must prioritize infrastructure development as part of its broader commitment to improving the lives of citizens.
  4. Long-term Planning for Infrastructure Development: Beyond the immediate concerns regarding the Nanyuki-Rumuruti road, there is a need for a comprehensive infrastructure development strategy that addresses the long-term needs of the community. This includes considerations for other critical roads, healthcare facilities, and public services.
  5. Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms: Elected leaders should be held accountable for their promises and the delivery of services. This could involve creating independent oversight committees or utilizing technology to track progress on infrastructure projects.


The protests by Laikipia residents over the impassable Nanyuki-Rumuruti road are a clear indication of the urgent need for government action and accountability. The community’s frustrations are rooted in years of unfulfilled promises and neglect, and it is time for the government to prioritize the welfare of its citizens.

As the residents of Laikipia stand united in their call for action, they highlight a broader issue affecting many communities across Kenya. The need for improved infrastructure is not just about roads; it is about access to essential services, economic opportunities, and the overall quality of life. The government must listen to the voices of its citizens, respond to their needs, and work collaboratively to build a better future for all. Only then can the trust between the government and its people be restored, paving the way for sustainable development and improved living conditions for all Kenyans.

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