The late Judy Thongori, a trailblazer in family law and a passionate advocate for justice, will be interred on Wednesday, January 22, her family announced in an obituary published on Monday. Thongori, who passed away on January 14 after a short illness, had been receiving treatment in India before her demise. Her death was confirmed by Dr. Fred Ojiambo, chairperson of the Senior Counsel Bar (SCB), who described her as a compassionate and committed advocate.
The interment will take place privately following a memorial service at Nairobi Chapel, Ngong Road, starting at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Before the event, her family, friends, and colleagues will gather for prayers on Monday, January 20, and Tuesday, January 21, at the All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi, at 5:30 p.m.
Judy Thongori was widely regarded as one of Kenya’s foremost authorities in family law. She made significant contributions to the legal landscape, particularly in advocating for the rights of women and children. Thongori founded Judy Thongori & Co-Advocates in February 2003, a firm that offers a comprehensive range of family law services, including matrimonial disputes, children’s matters, and succession issues. The firm also embraced mediation as a conflict resolution tool, earning accreditation from the Judiciary for Court-Annexed Mediation.
Thongori’s legal career was marked by her advocacy in landmark cases, notably her successful suit against the government for failing to meet its 30% women’s representation in leadership. Her contributions were instrumental in shaping critical pieces of legislation, such as the Matrimonial Property Act and the Marriage Act, which became law in 2014.
In recognition of her immense contribution to family law and legal practice, Thongori was inducted into the Law Society of Kenya’s Roll of Honour in 2014, making history as the first female lawyer to receive the honor. In 2015, she was further acknowledged by the Law Society of Kenya for her provision of pro-bono legal services. Thongori’s legacy continued to grow, culminating in her elevation to the rank of Senior Counsel in 2020, a prestigious accolade in Kenya’s legal profession.
Her death has left a profound void in Kenya’s legal community. Her selflessness, dedication to justice, and mentorship will be sorely missed by all who knew her. Thongori’s contributions to the legal field and her passion for justice will continue to inspire future generations of lawyers.