Scatter cushions and bedspreads what exactly are they for? Every night they’re thrown off the bed, and every morning they’re put back. Off, on, off, on, an endless cycle with no apparent purpose.
Bedspreads first. Big, heavy, and utterly useless. Some, like the one at my mum’s house, seem designed to challenge physical endurance. It takes an effort just to drag it off the bed, leaving it in a heap on the floor where it then takes up all available space. If left there, it prompts immediate disapproval, accompanied by the demand to haul it out of the room and drape it over the bannister, which groans under the strain. Upon departure, it must be reinstated on the bed, a task requiring significant exertion. And yet, despite these difficulties, no one has ever provided a clear explanation for what exactly it does.
One might hope that such burdensome objects have fallen out of favor, yet bedspreads endure. According to some, they remain popular for their supposed ability to transform a bedroom into a cosy retreat. But is that really necessary? Surely, a well-made bed is enough. The idea that a heavy decorative sheet somehow elevates a room seems like an unnecessary complication.
Then there are the cushions. Piles of them. Every night, they are removed; every morning, they are replaced. They serve no purpose in the interim, except perhaps to create an obstacle course before sleep. The cycle repeats endlessly. What is the point?
Perhaps they persist because they are an easy gifting option. Struggling to find a present? A nice cushion seems like a safe choice. After all, who doesn’t love a cushion? Yet they accumulate, never discarded, rarely given away, growing into an ever-expanding mountain of fabric. They take up space, create extra work, and contribute little beyond their decorative function.
It’s time to question whether these items truly belong in modern life. A simpler, more practical approach to bedding and decor would free us from the unnecessary hassle of removing and replacing things that serve no real function. It’s not just a matter of convenience it’s a stand against pointless clutter. Enough is enough.