The second day of the Magical Kenya and Mountain Trail Series Rift Valley region, launched by Felix Kosgey, the head of public service, on Tuesday, was filled with adventure, scenic beauty, and camaraderie. A group of 29 cyclists and 43 hikers embarked on their respective journeys from the iconic Thomson Falls in Nyahururu, Laikipia County. The cyclists covered an impressive 35 kilometers, while the hikers traversed 15 kilometers of rugged terrain.
The cyclists faced the challenges of climbing the mountainous landscapes, pushing themselves through valleys while soaking in the spectacular vistas of the Great Rift Valley. Among them, Paul Kathambana shared his enthusiasm for the experience. “It was a very good experience, and I was also happy to witness beautiful scenery like the Subukia viewpoint, Solai, and Bogoria rivers,” he said, expressing his anticipation for the remaining days of the series. The cyclists’ journey continued to the Subukia view area in Nakuru County, before reaching Lake Bogoria, marking the conclusion of their first-day stage.
Cyclist Via Semdeyo also reflected on the thrill of the adventure. “I enjoyed it more, and cycling is more fun than just driving a car. It also helps someone stay fit physically and health-wise,” she remarked, adding that the breathtaking scenery made the experience even more memorable.
Meanwhile, the 40 mountain hikers faced the challenging terrain, including seven climbs and six descents. Their journey allowed them to explore remarkable sites such as Perkerra River, Koroto Cultural Center, and Sinibo Paleontological Conservancy.
William Kimosop, Baringo’s chief warden and vice chair of the adventure tourism product club, highlighted the government’s efforts to support the tourism sector. He pointed out the role of tourism in empowering local communities, mentioning Kapicha’s success in turning an art gallery into a revenue-generating enterprise for tourists.
As the second day concluded, participants eagerly looked forward to the remaining days of the series, with the grand finale scheduled for Saturday, January 18, 2025, at the Barngetuny mountain race in Tinderet Village, Nandi County. The Magical Kenya and Mountain Trail Series continues to bring together adventurers, nature lovers, and those passionate about exploring the beauty of the Rift Valley.