Evan Gabriel Houseman, a 20-year-old man from Pennsylvania, has been charged with a series of offenses after allegedly attacking his parents and resisting arrest. The incident took place on January 5, 2025, when Houseman became enraged after his mother refused to give him money for marijuana. The situation escalated into a violent confrontation, leading to criminal charges including assault, strangulation, terroristic threats, resisting arrest, criminal mischief, and harassment.
The altercation began the night before when Houseman demanded that his mother transfer money to him for marijuana. When she declined, the argument intensified. Houseman reportedly threatened suicide, saying he was going to overdose on pills. The following morning, the situation worsened when Houseman allegedly grabbed his mother’s head and pushed it toward the floor, before putting her in a headlock. He reportedly threatened to apply more pressure to her neck unless she gave him his medication. After releasing her, he retreated to his room with the medication.
As tensions escalated, Houseman’s father became involved in the confrontation. The two began arguing, and Houseman allegedly threw a TV and an Xbox down a flight of stairs, damaging both the electronics and the wall. When his father went downstairs to inspect the damage, Houseman allegedly pushed him down the stairs, causing him to hit his head on a garage door. The father, seeking to avoid further violence, went outside to distance himself from his son, but Houseman followed him into the driveway. There, Houseman allegedly pushed his father to the ground again, placing him in a headlock and threatening to kill both of his parents, stating he would “take you both out.”
The father managed to free himself, but Houseman then began damaging his father’s vehicle with a stick. At this point, the father called 911, and when police arrived at the scene, they ordered Houseman to comply with their instructions. However, Houseman ignored their commands and attempted to walk toward his father. Officers were forced to use a Taser to subdue him and take him into custody.
While being arrested, Houseman continued to resist, kicking officers in sensitive areas. Both of his parents were hospitalized due to the injuries they sustained during the violent encounter. Houseman was transported to a hospital for a mental health evaluation before being booked into York County Prison. He is scheduled to appear in court on February 5, 2025.
The case highlights the severe consequences of substance-related disputes, as well as the potential for violence in situations involving mental health crises. The incident also underscores the dangers of escalating conflicts within families, especially when coupled with threats of self-harm or violence toward others. As Houseman faces legal repercussions, the case will likely draw attention to issues of domestic violence, mental health, and substance abuse.