A tragic domestic incident occurred on the night of Wednesday, January 15, 2025, in Kibaita village, located in the Kemeloi area of Nandi South, where a man fatally stabbed his wife before turning the knife on himself in a tragic sequence of events. The couple, who reside in Nairobi, had visited the wife’s parental home in Nandi County, where the horrifying attack took place.
According to reports, the man, who is a resident of a village in Nandi Central, traveled over 50 kilometers to his in-law’s home. At around midnight, he called his wife outside into the darkness, where an argument reportedly ensued. Without warning, he drew a knife and began stabbing her repeatedly, causing fatal injuries that led to her death at the scene. The assailant, in a state of apparent despair, then ingested rat poison before stabbing himself in the neck, which ultimately led to his demise.
The shock and horror of the incident left the local community reeling, with many expressing disbelief over the brutal actions of the man. The couple, who have been married for several years, leave behind three children, including a young boy and two girls. The tragic loss has left their extended family and residents of Kibaita village in deep mourning.
Police have launched an investigation into the disturbing event. Authorities are currently collecting evidence and speaking with witnesses to better understand the circumstances that led to the attack. While the exact cause of the altercation remains unclear, it is believed that the couple had been experiencing ongoing domestic disputes prior to the tragedy. No further details about the couple’s previous relationship were immediately available, but neighbors described the man as having displayed signs of emotional distress in the days leading up to the attack.
Following the incident, the bodies of both the man and his wife were taken to Jumuia Friends Kaimosi Hospital mortuary for post-mortem examination, as investigations continue. Meanwhile, local residents have expressed their concerns about the rising number of domestic violence cases in the region. This incident is yet another painful reminder of the dangers of unresolved domestic conflicts, and calls for better support systems and awareness around mental health and family relationships are growing louder.
This tragic event underscores the need for communities to address the silent struggles faced by individuals within relationships, especially those that escalate into violence. Efforts to prevent such incidents must focus not only on providing support for victims but also on intervention strategies to help individuals experiencing emotional and psychological distress before they reach a breaking point.