Two matatu drivers, John Mwangi and Dominic Amaya, have been charged at Kibera Law Courts after their vehicles, “Moneyfest” (KDQ 111T) and “Ambush” (KDG 195), were caught on camera swerving recklessly through traffic on Karen-Rongai Road. The drivers, who were arrested on Thursday, pleaded guilty to driving unroadworthy vehicles, with both vehicles severely overloaded and passengers precariously perched on the roofs and hanging from windows.
The dramatic footage, which quickly went viral on social media, showed the two matatus causing a near-disaster on the road. Their reckless behavior, putting pedestrians and other motorists at serious risk, sparked outrage online. In one shocking scene, the vehicles were seen navigating through heavy traffic in a dangerous manner, further exacerbated by the visible disregard for basic traffic laws by the passengers.
The police, who appeared in the footage, seemed to overlook the blatant violations, as the vehicles passed by without any immediate action being taken. This sparked public concern about the level of enforcement on our roads and calls for stricter measures to curb such behavior.
In court, the two drivers faced charges for driving unroadworthy vehicles, a serious offense given the state of the overloaded matatus and the perilous conditions passengers were subjected to. The court issued a penalty of Ksh. 50,000 fine or a six-month jail term for each of the accused.
This incident has brought back into focus the ongoing issue of matatu drivers ignoring traffic regulations and the inadequate response from authorities to enforce road safety measures. The case has also highlighted the importance of educating the public on the dangers of overloading vehicles and reckless driving, which continue to claim lives and cause serious accidents across the country.
As the matter proceeds in court, there is renewed hope that such incidents will lead to more rigorous enforcement of traffic laws and a push for safer public transport in Kenya.