On Friday, a group of reformed youth in Mathare took to the streets to protest alleged police harassment and assaults linked to ongoing security operations in the area. The youth, known for their ecological activities, paused their initiatives to express their frustration over what they termed as unjust targeting by law enforcement and members of the Nyumba Kumi initiative.
The security operation, aimed at apprehending a suspect linked to a recent murder incident, has reportedly resulted in cases of physical assault, leaving some of the youth with serious injuries. Many of the affected individuals claim they have been subjected to harassment despite their efforts to distance themselves from crime and focus on lawful and community-centered activities.
“We have reformed. Our focus is on making Mathare a better place for everyone through environmental conservation and sustainable farming,” said one protester. “If we were truly suspects, why are we not being apprehended and allowed to defend ourselves in a court of law instead of being treated like criminals?”
The reformed youth, many of whom were previously involved in unlawful activities, have redirected their energy towards initiatives such as tree planting along riparian land and vegetable farming. These projects not only promote environmental conservation but also provide a source of income for the youth, fostering economic independence and social stability in the community.
While the Nyumba Kumi elders acknowledged the necessity of the security operation, they emphasized their commitment to ensuring justice by thoroughly investigating those implicated in criminal activities. However, the youth activists argue that indiscriminate harassment undermines the very principles of fairness and justice that such operations should uphold.
The Mathare Social Justice Centre, a prominent community-based organization, has strongly condemned the harassment, describing it as a systemic issue that criminalizes reformed individuals striving to make positive contributions. “The criminalization of youth who are working hard to change their lives and uplift the community is unacceptable,” the organization stated. “Such actions erode trust between law enforcement and the community, hindering long-term peace and development efforts.”
The protests highlight the delicate balance between maintaining security and respecting the rights of community members. As calls for justice and accountability grow louder, it remains imperative for law enforcement agencies to adopt a fair and transparent approach that addresses crime while protecting the dignity of all citizens.
The reformed youth have vowed to continue their lawful activities despite the challenges, reaffirming their commitment to building a better future for Mathare.