Meru National Polytechnic recently held its fifth graduation ceremony on Friday, July 5. The ceremony, graced by Dr. Esther Thaara, Principal Secretary of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET), marked a significant moment for over 5,054 graduands who received certificates across various programs.
Industry Integration and Focus: Dr. Thaara emphasized the crucial link between technical institutions and industries, stressing the importance of producing skilled graduates aligned with industry needs. She highlighted the government’s commitment to implementing a dual TVET system, where 50% of learners’ time will be spent in practical industry settings, ensuring graduates are equipped for real-world challenges.
Partnerships and International Influence: Acknowledging the role of international collaboration, Dr. Thaara thanked GIZ from Germany for their support, citing Germany’s successful youth skills development model as an inspiration. This partnership aims to bolster Kenya’s educational framework under the Curriculum Based Education Training (CBET) curriculum, ensuring graduates thrive in the economy through practical skills.
Academic Excellence and Innovation: Meru National Polytechnic’s Chief Principal, Mutembei Kigige, lauded the graduands and their support networks for their dedication. He highlighted the institution’s strides in research and innovation, showcasing projects such as solar green preservative machines, organic fertilizer production, and automated technologies. These innovations reflect the polytechnic’s commitment to addressing societal challenges through technological advancements.
Accreditation and Future Prospects: Mr. Kigige proudly announced the institution’s recent accreditation as a qualification awarding body, empowered to develop curricula, impart knowledge, and conduct assessments. This accreditation underscores Meru National Polytechnic’s role in fostering academic excellence and innovation in technical and vocational education, paving the way for future advancements in Kenya’s educational landscape.