Mombasa Lands CEC Arrested for Alleged Abduction and Assault of A blogger

Mombasa County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Lands, Urban Planning, and Housing, Mohamed Hussein, has been arrested in connection with a case involving the alleged abduction, assault, and sexual abuse of a 25-year-old blogger. The arrest, which took place while Hussein was having lunch with a colleague in the Central Business District (CBD), has sent shockwaves through Mombasa’s political landscape, raising questions about the intersection of politics, justice, and security agencies.

The incident is not just a criminal matter but has also ignited a political firestorm. Mombasa County’s Chief of Staff, Dr. Noah Akala, condemned the arrest, suggesting it is part of a broader campaign against the Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Nassir and his political supporters. Akala made these claims during a press briefing at the Governor’s office, painting the arrest as a continuation of “persecutory events” targeting the Governor and his allies.

Details of the Arrest

Mohamed Hussein was arrested by seven officers from the Criminal Investigations Department. After a few hours of confusion regarding his whereabouts, authorities confirmed that he was being held at the Regional Police Headquarters, where he was being questioned. The arrest comes at a time when Mombasa politics is charged with tension and rivalry, with accusations flying across party lines and camps.

According to the police, Hussein’s arrest is tied to an incident that occurred recently, where a local blogger was allegedly abducted, beaten, and sexually assaulted. The blogger, whose name remains withheld for privacy reasons, is said to have been writing critical posts about certain political figures in Mombasa. While the police have yet to release full details about their investigations, Hussein is now facing serious charges, with the possibility of additional charges being brought against him.

Political Implications and Accusations of Witch-Hunt

Hussein’s arrest quickly turned political, with Chief of Staff Dr. Noah Akala linking the incident to the recent appointment of Selina Maitha as Chairperson of the Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company. Maitha, a key ally of Governor Abdulswamad Nassir, had been Hassan Omar’s running mate during the 2022 gubernatorial elections. Omar is now a Member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) and serves as the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) acting Secretary General.

Dr. Akala suggested that Hussein’s arrest was politically motivated, part of a scheme orchestrated by individuals dissatisfied with Governor Nassir’s leadership and who are now allegedly using state security agencies to settle political scores. He claimed that those behind the blogger’s case are seeking to undermine the governor and his administration by leveraging the security apparatus.

“This is another arrest in a series of unfortunate persecutory events over the past two weeks, levelled against the Governor of Mombasa and his supporters for no crime other than leading the people of Mombasa in the manner that befits them,” said Akala, expressing frustration at what he termed as political harassment.

Akala’s comments reflect growing concerns within the Governor’s camp that the security agencies are being used to advance the political agenda of their rivals. He also highlighted the mounting pressure on Governor Nassir since the 2022 gubernatorial elections, where political tensions between different factions have remained high.

Selina Maitha’s Appointment and Growing Political Tensions

The arrest is linked, according to Akala, to the appointment of Selina Maitha to her new position, which has apparently angered certain political players within Mombasa. Maitha’s elevation to the chairperson of Mombasa Water Supply and Sanitation Company is seen by some as a strategic move by Governor Nassir to consolidate his political base. However, this appointment has triggered accusations and counter-accusations from opposing factions, particularly from those loyal to Hassan Omar, who ran against Nassir in the 2022 election.

The political battle between Nassir and his opponents has been intensifying, and this arrest could represent a new low in the ongoing feud. According to Akala, “certain quarters” have been organizing press conferences, where insults and threats have been hurled at the Governor and his team. He implied that those who lost the 2022 election are now resorting to underhanded tactics in an attempt to discredit the Governor and destabilize his administration.

“It seems that this move has angered certain quarters who now move around this country and this city calling press conferences, hurling insults and abuse at the Governor, threatening members of his family, his staff and supporters,” Akala noted. He further suggested that political opponents are weaponizing social media criticism, using it as a pretext to tarnish the Governor’s reputation and undermine his leadership.

Abuse of Security Agencies?

Akala went on to allege that the security agencies in Mombasa were being misused for political purposes. He accused Governor Nassir’s detractors of influencing law enforcement to target the Governor and his supporters, creating a narrative of wrongdoing where none exists.

“We would urge them rather than continue in this nefarious scheme of trying to tarnish the Governor’s name with no basis whatsoever to prepare themselves to face the people in 2027,” said Akala, suggesting that those who are unhappy with the Governor’s leadership should prepare for the next election rather than engaging in what he called “political witch-hunting.”

The 2027 elections, Akala warned, would be the proper venue for those challenging Nassir to make their case. He expressed confidence that the people of Mombasa would reaffirm their support for Nassir, dismissing the current allegations as a distraction and a ploy to undermine the Governor’s achievements.

Denial of Violence Allegations

Despite the charged political environment, Akala denied that Governor Nassir or his supporters would resort to violence or intimidation. He emphasized the Governor’s long-standing political career, as well as his family’s prominent history in Kenyan politics, as evidence that Nassir has never engaged in such tactics.

“He has been in elective politics for 13 years. He comes from a prominent political family that has been in politics for over three decades. Why at this stage would they now be all of a sudden sensitive to abuse that comes from certain people on social media?” Akala asked rhetorically, expressing disbelief that the Governor’s team would resort to violence over online criticism.

Akala pointed out that Nassir and his supporters are familiar with political criticism and opposition, having dealt with it for many years. He framed the current situation as a political witch-hunt rather than a legitimate legal issue, stressing that the Governor’s team would prove Hussein’s innocence in court.

Broader Political Climate in Mombasa

Hussein’s arrest, however, cannot be viewed in isolation. It comes amid an increasingly tense political environment in Mombasa, where the 2022 gubernatorial elections continue to cast a long shadow. Governor Nassir’s victory was hard-fought, and his administration has been closely scrutinized ever since, particularly by rivals who believe they have a chance to unseat him in future elections.

The opposition, led by individuals like Hassan Omar, appears determined to challenge the Governor at every opportunity. Meanwhile, Nassir’s administration faces the challenge of not only running the county effectively but also fending off political attacks. The arrest of a high-profile member of his cabinet, like Mohamed Hussein, adds another layer of complexity to the political dynamics in Mombasa.


As Hussein faces legal proceedings, the incident has raised significant concerns about the potential misuse of security agencies for political purposes in Mombasa. The arrest of a senior CECM on such serious charges has brought to light the ongoing political strife in the region, with accusations of political witch-hunts and abuse of state power dominating the conversation. With the 2027 elections on the horizon, Mombasa’s political climate is likely to become even more contentious, as both Governor Nassir and his opponents vie for control of the county.

Whether Hussein is proven innocent or guilty in the courts, the case is already a flashpoint for broader political debates in Mombasa. It highlights the challenges facing county governments in Kenya, where politics and governance often intersect in ways that complicate the administration of justice.

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