YouTube star Jimmy Donaldson, known as Mr Beast, has announced his engagement to girlfriend Thea Booysen, revealing the heartwarming proposal took place on Christmas Day. The 26-year-old, who boasts a staggering 340 million subscribers on YouTube, shared the joyful news with fans by posting photos of himself proposing to Thea, who is originally from South Africa.
Thea, 27, is not only Mr Beast’s fiancée but also a content creator in her own right, running the channel TheaBeasty, with nearly 40,000 subscribers. Additionally, she streams games on Twitch and is a published author. The couple, now residing in the US, were joined by Thea’s family during the proposal, which Mr Beast described as a private and intimate affair, despite his well-known penchant for elaborate online stunts.
In an interview with People magazine, Thea shared their wedding plans, stating that they intend to keep the ceremony low-key and intimate. “We’re thinking of doing it somewhere on an island where we’re far away from just about everybody,” she explained. The couple emphasized that while the wedding will be beautiful, it will be devoid of the extravagance often associated with high-profile events, focusing instead on close family and friends.
Thea has also been vocal in supporting her fiancé through various controversies. Last year, after grooming allegations were made against Mr Beast’s former co-host Ava Kris Tyson, Thea took to her channel to defend Jimmy, stating she wouldn’t be with him if the accusations were true.
Meanwhile, Mr Beast’s latest venture, Beast Games, which aired on Amazon Prime, has faced significant criticism. Inspired by Squid Game, the show has attracted legal scrutiny from contestants who claimed to have been exploited and sexually harassed. While Mr Beast has downplayed the claims, Beast Games has received mixed reviews, with many deeming the show shallow and tasteless. Despite this, the series continues to perform well on Amazon globally.
As Mr Beast prepares for his wedding, he faces both personal milestones and professional challenges, but remains as influential as ever.