Nairobi CBD Potholes Raise Concerns Among Motorists and Riders

The deteriorating condition of roads in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) has sparked concern among motorists, boda boda riders, and pedestrians. Large potholes and crumbling road surfaces have become common sights, particularly on a major side-stretch running parallel to Moi Avenue. These potholes continue to grow in size due to neglect, causing significant damage to vehicles and motorcycles, which leads to regular economic losses for motorists.

A Growing Problem

Pictures from Wananchi Reporting show the stretch on Moi Avenue in a dire state, with gaping holes and uneven surfaces that make driving a challenging task. This section of the road is frequently used by motorists, cyclists, motorbike riders, and pedestrians, making the situation a daily nuisance for many. Other crucial roads extending further downtown are also in a similar condition, with potholes that are enlarging due to lack of maintenance.

Motorists like Michael Kibe, a matatu driver in Nairobi, have voiced their frustrations over the poor state of the roads. “The roads are in bad state and this is damaging our vehicles and our business,” said Kibe. He highlighted that not only the main roads but also a number of feeder or side roads within the CBD are in a deteriorated condition. Kibe pointed out a particular side road between Tom Mboya Street and Moi Avenue, frequently used by a popular Matatu Sacco, as yet another problematic area in the CBD.

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Economic Impact

The poor road conditions are not only a safety hazard but also cause significant economic losses. The frequent need for vehicle repairs due to damaged suspension systems, tires, and other parts is a constant financial burden for motorists. “People from other African countries talk highly about our good infrastructure; our good roads, yet we still have potholes in the CBD. This is embarrassing in this day and age,” Kibe lamented.

For boda boda riders, who rely on their motorcycles for daily income, the impact is even more severe. Damaged motorcycles mean reduced earnings due to repairs and downtime. The potholes pose a risk to the safety of both riders and their passengers, as navigating the roads becomes increasingly treacherous.

Calls for Action

Residents and road users are now calling on the Nairobi City County Government to take immediate action and renovate all potholed roads within and around the CBD. They argue that the current state of the roads is diminishing the status of the capital, making it an eyesore for both locals and visitors. The bad roads in downtown Nairobi and even those in the estates have become a growing concern, with residents demanding a comprehensive approach to road maintenance and repair.

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“The focus should not just be on the main roads, when the side roads are in such bad state,” Kibe added. Residents have urged the authorities to consider a more inclusive road maintenance strategy that addresses both the main and side roads in the CBD. They believe that improving the road infrastructure will not only boost the city’s image but also enhance the overall economic activity by reducing the cost of vehicle maintenance and ensuring smoother traffic flow.

A Call for Accountability

The condition of Nairobi’s roads has often been a topic of discussion among city residents and leaders. Despite numerous promises to improve infrastructure, the reality on the ground remains unchanged for many road users. Residents are calling for greater accountability from the city authorities, emphasizing the need for regular maintenance and timely repairs to prevent further deterioration.

As Nairobi continues to grow and evolve, maintaining its infrastructure is crucial to ensuring the city remains a vibrant and efficient hub for business and tourism. Addressing the issue of potholes and poor road conditions in the CBD will require coordinated efforts between the county government, road maintenance agencies, and the residents themselves to create a more navigable and safe city environment for all.

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