The destruction of Ukraine’s Kakhovka Dam caused a devastating ripple effect, leading to widespread flooding and humanitarian suffering. The incident followed months of Russian occupation in the region, which began after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The breach of the dam, a critical infrastructure component in southern Ukraine, has been the subject of a new report titled Submerged, launched in Nairobi by Project Expedite Justice (PEJ) and Truth Hounds at the Movenpick Hotel. This report highlights the severe environmental, economic, and human costs of the attack, which is suspected to be part of broader war crimes.
The Kakhovka Dam, built in the 1950s, was essential for providing electricity, irrigation for agriculture, and drinking water to many settlements across southern Ukraine. The destruction of the dam has had catastrophic effects on the surrounding areas, including Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Mykolaiv Oblasts. Floodwaters inundated approximately 600 kilometers of land, rising as much as 11 meters in some areas. The swift flooding drowned around 80 settlements, causing the loss of hundreds of lives and displacing thousands of people.
According to Pascal Turlan, Legal and Program Director at PEJ, the destruction has had far-reaching consequences on local communities, particularly in the agrarian sector. The attack on civilian infrastructure and agricultural resources has disrupted food security, both within Ukraine and beyond, with the illegal export of Ukrainian grain exacerbating the situation. This disruption has had a ripple effect on global food markets, particularly affecting African nations reliant on Ukrainian exports.
In the report, researchers from PEJ and Truth Hounds provided evidence of the disproportionate damage caused by the attack, questioning whether military objectives justified such an extensive assault on civilian infrastructure. Myroslava Markova, a researcher at PEJ, stated that the actual extent of the damage remains uncertain, particularly in areas still under Russian control. However, estimates suggest the destruction has already resulted in over $11 billion in losses, with nearly $3 billion in infrastructure damage in regions under Ukrainian control.
The environmental toll is equally severe, with widespread damage to water resources, soil health, and biodiversity. As the region continues to grapple with the aftermath of the dam’s destruction, the international community has been urged to seek accountability for the actions that have caused such immense human suffering and environmental degradation.