The body of a four-year-old boy was discovered in a pit latrine in Nakuru County, leading police to launch a search for the child’s mother, who is now a person of interest in the case. The body, which had visible strangulation marks on the neck, was found on Friday, January 24, a day after the boy and his mother went missing from their home in Olrongai Kichwa area, Rongai.
According to Nakuru County police, the boy’s disappearance was first noted when his elder brother, aged six, was found unconscious at home after reportedly swallowing several tablets. The elder son later told authorities that his mother had given him the tablets to swallow before he went to sleep. He survived, but it raised immediate concern, particularly as the younger boy was nowhere to be found.
Witnesses reported that the mother had asked a neighbor for a sack to help her carry luggage on the night the children went missing. Unbeknownst to the neighbor, the sack was later discovered in the family pit latrine, where the lifeless body of the young boy was found.
Upon investigation, police revealed that the boy had been strangled, as evidenced by the marks on his neck. The discovery sent shockwaves through the community, leaving many questions unanswered. Authorities have yet to establish the motive behind the killing, but the woman’s disappearance has left investigators searching for answers. Police have urged the woman to surrender, as they continue to gather testimonies and evidence related to the case.
Regional police commander Jasper Ombati emphasized that witnesses were coming forward with information about the woman, and a manhunt was underway to bring her in for questioning. “We have witnesses making claims on her, and we want to establish more on this. Let her surrender,” Ombati said.
Meanwhile, in the nearby town of Kikopey in Gilgil, the body of 32-year-old Francis Wanyoike was discovered in a bush, also showing signs of physical trauma. Police believe his death may have been the result of a violent attack, but the exact motive remains unclear.
In Kayole, Nairobi, a 42-year-old man named Simon Mbuthia Mwangi succumbed to injuries sustained after he was attacked during a robbery on January 18. The attack took place while Mwangi was walking home, and despite being rushed to the hospital, he died from his injuries. Police are still investigating the incident and are working to track down the perpetrators.
The string of violent incidents has left residents and authorities on high alert, with ongoing investigations aimed at bringing justice to the victims.