A new Netflix series starring Meghan Markle, With Love, Meghan, has been delayed due to the devastating wildfires sweeping across Los Angeles. The Duchess of Sussex, who originally planned to debut her eight-episode lifestyle and cooking show on Wednesday, expressed her gratitude to Netflix for supporting the postponement.
The wildfires, which have tragically claimed at least 16 lives and destroyed thousands of homes, have necessitated the delay until March. “I’m thankful to my partners at Netflix for supporting me in delaying the launch, as we focus on the needs of those impacted by the wildfires in my home state of California,” Markle stated.
The Los Angeles-born Duchess lives with her husband, Prince Harry, in Montecito, a coastal area approximately 100 miles northwest of the city. The show, described by Netflix as a “heartfelt tribute to the beauty of Southern California,” will showcase Markle’s passion for cooking, gardening, and crafting. It features guests such as renowned chef Alice Waters, actress Mindy Kaling, and Markle’s Suits co-star Abigail Spencer.
Harry and Meghan were recently seen comforting wildfire survivors in Pasadena. The couple has been proactive in urging Californians to assist evacuees, issuing a statement encouraging people to open their homes to those in need. “If a friend, loved one, or pet has to evacuate and you are able to offer them a safe haven, please do,” read the statement on their official website.
Reports suggest that the couple has been hosting displaced friends and loved ones. They have also donated essential supplies, including clothing and children’s items.
The show’s delay reflects Markle’s commitment to prioritizing the needs of her community during this crisis. Since stepping back from royal duties in 2020, the Duke and Duchess have forged independent careers, including their partnership with Netflix, which produced the 2022 docuseries Harry & Meghan.
Markle’s entrepreneurial journey continues to thrive. In March 2024, she launched her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, further cementing her post-royal identity.