Detectives from the Mombasa Regional Headquarters have apprehended Ian Mahad, alias Suleiman, a notorious motorcycle gang member notorious for orchestrating a series of mobile phone snatching incidents in Bamburi, Nyali, and Kadzandani. The arrest occurred on Monday, marking a significant victory in curbing the rising wave of petty thefts in the region.
Suleiman was apprehended while attempting to purchase a new motorcycle in Mombasa’s central business district. His previous motorcycle, the key tool in his string of thefts, had been set ablaze by angry residents on Saturday. The incident unfolded after a particularly daring theft spree that left locals infuriated and determined to take action against the criminal activities plaguing their neighborhoods.
The dramatic arrest followed an intensified crackdown by law enforcement. Detectives, expanding their scope, targeted areas believed to harbor the gang, focusing on a hotspot near Kadzandani Primary School. Their efforts yielded notable results, as they recovered a Honda motorcycle with registration number KMGG 228X, an Oppo mobile phone, and other stolen items. These items are believed to be connected to the gang’s recent crimes.
However, the operation was not without challenges. Several gang members managed to evade capture, fleeing the scene during the raid. Police have since launched a manhunt for the escapees, with detectives vowing to bring them to justice and restore safety to the affected communities.
The arrested suspect, currently in police custody, is undergoing processing as authorities prepare to present him in court. Law enforcement agencies have urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities that might assist in tracking down the remaining culprits.
The arrest underscores the commitment of Mombasa authorities to tackling criminal networks and protecting residents from opportunistic crime. As the investigation continues, the focus remains on dismantling the gang and ensuring justice for the victims of their thefts.