Over 15,000 Learners Affected by Flooding, New Survey Reveals

A recent survey by the Elimu Bora working group highlights a significant impact of the recent floods on Kenya’s educational system, with over 15,000 learners failing to resume their studies. The comprehensive report, which analyzed data from 60 schools, reveals that the student population dropped from 23,530 to 21,453, marking a 9% decrease following the devastating floods that occurred between April and May.

The survey underscores a troubling decline in school attendance, particularly among female students and those with special needs. The return rate for female students dropped by approximately 10%, while 11% of students with special needs—40 out of 337—have yet to return to school. This data reflects the broader educational disruptions caused by the floods, which severely impacted many communities across the country.

Mathare informal settlements in Nairobi emerged as the worst-hit area. The floods displaced over 7,000 residents and caused the highest dropout rates in the sub-county, affecting around 7,000 families. The report notes that informal settlements in urban areas suffered immensely, with significant damage reported.

In addition to the disruption in learning, the floods caused extensive damage to educational infrastructure. The report reveals that 62 schools were submerged, and 20,000 toilet blocks were either damaged or completely destroyed. This has created severe health risks for more than 1.5 million learners, exacerbated by 34 reported cases of cholera in Tana River County and fears of further outbreaks.

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The survey also highlights the inadequacy of drainage systems as a primary factor in the prolonged effects of the floods. Many areas remained waterlogged, with fields and roads still submerged, impeding the recovery process.

Despite these challenges, the report commends the collaborative efforts among headteachers, management boards, and parents’ associations. These groups have been instrumental in constructing temporary learning structures and developing disaster response frameworks. Notably, the assistant county commissioner and the sub-county administrator played crucial roles in coordinating these relief efforts.

The floods have had a profound impact beyond the educational sector. As of May 10, 2024, the National Disaster Operations Centre reported 267 deaths, 188 injuries, and 75 missing persons. The floods displaced 281,835 people (56,367 families) and affected nearly 380,573 individuals (76,114 families). The damage extends to 9,973 lost livestock, 41,562 acres of cropland, 61 roads, 886 businesses, 1,967 schools, 1,465 water sources, and 62 health facilities across 11 of Kenya’s 42 affected counties.

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Emerging issues from the survey include a lack of access to sanitary towels for girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, prompting teachers to seek donations. School feeding programs have also been disrupted, adversely affecting many students who rely on them for their daily nutrition.

The working group has made several recommendations to address these challenges. Schools are urged to develop robust emergency and disaster response strategies involving all stakeholders, including students, teachers, administrative staff, parents, and local leaders. Implementing mitigation measures, such as constructing gabions and tunnels in flood-prone areas and building structures on elevated ground, is crucial for reducing future flood impacts.

Additionally, the survey recommends regular assessments and multi-stakeholder recovery processes to maintain school infrastructure resilience. Public outreach and education programs are also essential for raising awareness about disaster preparedness and early warning detection.

In conclusion, while the immediate focus is on addressing the educational disruptions and health risks caused by the floods, long-term strategies must be developed to strengthen infrastructure and improve disaster response capabilities to mitigate future impacts.

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