PAHO and Brazil Collaborate to Deploy Health Emergency Response Tools in Flood-Hit Rio Grande do Sul

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has played a crucial role alongside Brazilian authorities in responding to the devastating floods that swept through Rio Grande do Sul. Collaborating closely with the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the Rio Grande do Sul State Health Secretariat, the National Civil Defense, and the Rio Grande do Sul Civil Defense, PAHO has focused on meeting the urgent health needs of affected populations.

A key initiative has been the implementation of the EWARS (Early Warning, Alert, and Response System), a tool developed by PAHO/WHO to swiftly detect and respond to disease outbreaks in disrupted environments. This system has been instrumental in monitoring and addressing health risks arising from stagnant and contaminated floodwaters, which can lead to diseases like acute diarrheal diseases and leptospirosis.

EWARS operates through a mobile app where health data, environmental observations, and community surveillance reports are inputted, enabling early detection of health threats. Starting from May 15, EWARS has been deployed in 15 Indigenous villages across Rio Grande do Sul, ensuring prompt responses to outbreaks and other health emergencies.

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PAHO supported the training of local health workers from the State Health Department and the Ministry of Health’s Indigenous Department (SESAI) to effectively utilize EWARS. This training empowered these workers to disseminate critical health information and conduct surveillance within their communities.

In addition to technical assistance, PAHO facilitated the acquisition of vaccines through its Revolving Fund, ensuring the availability of vaccines against diseases such as hepatitis A, rabies, measles, mumps, rubella, and meningitis. This initiative aimed to bolster Brazil’s vaccination efforts in flood-affected areas.

PAHO also provided essential support materials, including risk communication guidelines, health care-seeking advice for flooded areas, and recommendations for evacuation preparedness. The organization donated 100 emergency health backpacks stocked with medicines, water purifiers, protective equipment, and diagnostic tools, crucial for addressing a range of health needs during emergencies.

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Continuing its commitment to disaster preparedness and response in the Americas, PAHO remains dedicated to supporting countries like Brazil in mitigating health risks and enhancing resilience against future disasters and health emergencies.

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