Political Tensions Escalate as DCI Recommends Charges Against Gachagua Allies Over Gen-Z Demos

Kenya’s political landscape is once again under the microscope as the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) pushes for the prosecution of key allies and aides to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. This development stems from a wave of anti-government protests held on June 25, 2024, primarily led by Generation Z, which quickly devolved into violent riots and widespread looting. The charges proposed by the DCI underscore growing tensions within the political establishment, especially between Deputy President Gachagua and the ruling government led by President William Ruto. This article delves into the details surrounding the investigation, the context of the protests, and the wider implications for Kenya’s political future.

The June 25 Protests and Their Aftermath

On June 25, 2024, Kenya witnessed one of its largest protests in recent years. What initially started as peaceful demonstrations led by members of Generation Z quickly spiraled out of control, resulting in violent clashes, looting, and a heavy-handed police response. The protests were primarily a reaction to soaring costs of living, further exacerbated by proposed tax hikes in the annual finance bill, which sought to generate more revenue but was met with widespread opposition. Although President William Ruto rejected the controversial finance bill in the end, the demonstrations exposed the deep-seated frustrations among the population, particularly the youth.

By the end of the day, more than 60 people had lost their lives, and around 400 others were injured. The protest organizers also called for police accountability, especially in relation to the excessive use of force, which allegedly resulted in the deaths of several demonstrators. The peaceful start of the protests had been overshadowed by organized looting, which the police now claim was orchestrated by individuals with political connections.

The DCI’s Investigation

Following the violence and chaos of the June 25 protests, the Directorate of Criminal Investigations launched an investigation into the organizers, financiers, and participants in the protests. The DCI received intelligence reports that the protests were not entirely spontaneous but had been coordinated and financed by politicians and key aides close to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Abdalla Komesha, Director of Investigations at DCI headquarters, noted that the DCI had gathered substantial evidence indicating that two Members of Parliament allied with Gachagua, along with some of his close advisors, had played a role in the mobilization and financing of the protests. According to the DCI, multiple meetings were held in a Nairobi hotel where plans to escalate the demonstrations were allegedly discussed.

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The intelligence reports, combined with interviews and evidence collected during the investigation, led to a letter being sent to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) on September 24, 2024, recommending that the individuals involved face criminal charges. These charges include incitement to violence, conspiracy to commit a felony, and money laundering. Komesha also indicated that efforts were ongoing to retrieve all relevant financial data from banks and mobile financial service providers like Safaricom in order to strengthen the case against the suspects.

The Charges Proposed by the DCI

If the ODPP agrees with the DCI’s recommendations, the individuals under investigation will face a series of serious charges, including:

  1. Soliciting or Inciting Violence: Section 391 of the Penal Code criminalizes inciting others to commit offenses. The DCI has accused the two MPs and several aides of using their influence to encourage the violent protests and subsequent looting.
  2. Conspiracy to Commit a Felony: Section 393 of the Penal Code addresses conspiracy to commit a felony, which the DCI believes took place during several meetings involving the MPs and Gachagua’s advisors. These meetings allegedly served as the breeding ground for planning the violence that disrupted the protests.
  3. Money Laundering: One of the MPs under investigation faces additional charges of money laundering, with the DCI pointing to suspicious financial transactions linked to the protests. Investigators are working with the Financial Reporting Centre (FRC), banks, and Safaricom to analyze financial movements that might be connected to the financing of the protests and looting.

Gachagua’s Response: A Claim of Political Betrayal

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has not remained silent amid these investigations. He has strongly denied the allegations against his allies and aides, dismissing them as politically motivated. According to Gachagua, the charges are part of a wider conspiracy aimed at weakening his influence within the government and discrediting his political standing.

Gachagua has also accused unnamed individuals within President Ruto’s administration of betrayal, claiming that they are using the DCI and other state organs to target his political circle. This accusation has further fueled rumors of tension between Gachagua and Ruto, with some political insiders speculating about a brewing power struggle within the ruling administration.

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Reports of a possible impeachment motion against Gachagua have also been circulating in recent weeks. The allegations against his aides, combined with rumors of discontent within the Ruto administration, have added fuel to these speculations. Gachagua, however, has categorically denied any wrongdoing and maintains that his political allies are being unfairly targeted.

The Role of Generation Z in the Protests

The involvement of Generation Z in the June 25 protests marked a significant moment in Kenyan politics. With a large proportion of the country’s population being young and economically frustrated, Gen Z has increasingly become a vocal and active political force. Their discontent stems from high levels of unemployment, rising costs of living, and a government that they believe has failed to address their needs.

While President Ruto initially characterized the protests as a peaceful expression of discontent, he later condemned the violent turn of events, blaming organized criminals for hijacking the movement. Despite these statements, the fact that Generation Z played such a central role in the protests cannot be ignored. They represent a growing demographic with significant political and economic clout, one that may shape Kenya’s future political landscape.

The protests also reflected a broader trend of youth-led activism across Africa, where young people are increasingly taking to the streets to demand economic reforms, social justice, and political accountability.

The Impact on Kenya’s Political Future

The recommendation by the DCI to charge allies of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is likely to have far-reaching implications for Kenya’s political future. First, it raises questions about the stability of the ruling administration. With persistent rumors of a rift between Gachagua and Ruto, these developments could either solidify their partnership or exacerbate tensions within the government. If the charges proceed and lead to convictions, it could further weaken Gachagua’s political base and open the door for political rivals to exploit the situation.

Second, the response from Generation Z and other political movements will be critical. If the government is seen as cracking down on legitimate protests, it could lead to more unrest and further demonstrations. On the other hand, if the charges against Gachagua’s allies are perceived as part of a necessary legal process, it could bolster public confidence in the rule of law and the justice system.

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Finally, the investigation highlights the delicate balance between political accountability and political persecution in Kenya. The decision by the ODPP to either proceed with the charges or dismiss them will likely set a precedent for how future political protests and dissent are handled in the country.


The DCI’s recommendation to charge allies of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua over their alleged involvement in the June 25 protests has introduced a new chapter in Kenya’s complex political narrative. The charges, which include incitement to violence, conspiracy, and money laundering, have raised the stakes in the ongoing power dynamics within the government.

As the ODPP evaluates the evidence, the political consequences of this investigation will unfold in the coming weeks, determining not only the fate of Gachagua’s allies but also the broader direction of Kenyan politics. Whether the investigation leads to greater political accountability or deepens political divisions remains to be seen, but one thing is certain—Kenya’s political landscape is in for a tumultuous ride.

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