President Ruto Calls Urgent Crisis Meetings Amid Growing Political Turmoil in Kenya Kwanza

President William Ruto has summoned an urgent crisis meeting of all members of his Kenya Kwanza coalition for Monday, June 10, in a bid to address the escalating political turbulence within the ruling party. This move comes amid increasing internal strife and a brewing power struggle with his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua.

The crisis talks are set to follow another crucial meeting scheduled for Saturday, June 8, where President Ruto will convene the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) National Executive Council (NEC). This urgent NEC meeting aims to tackle the escalating rift between the President and his deputy, Gachagua, amid contentious grassroots election issues and a deeply polarizing Finance Bill 2024.

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The Finance Bill 2024 has sparked significant controversy, with critics arguing it imposes unfair burdens on the populace, while supporters assert it is necessary for economic stability and growth. The bill’s polarizing nature has exacerbated existing tensions within the coalition, leading to fierce debates and divisions among party members.

Additionally, the coalition is grappling with internal rifts over grassroots elections. These elections, crucial for maintaining party unity and grassroots support, have been marred by allegations of favoritism and corruption. These allegations have deepened the divide between President Ruto and Deputy President Gachagua, each vying to consolidate their influence within the party.

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Compounding the coalition’s challenges is a divisive cabinet stance on the ban of Muguka, a popular stimulant. The ban has been a contentious issue, with proponents citing health concerns and opponents arguing it would negatively impact livelihoods. This issue has further fueled discord within the coalition, adding to the urgency of the crisis meetings.

The President’s planned intervention follows his return from an overseas trip to Egypt, after a visit to South Korea. His return marks a critical juncture for the Kenya Kwanza coalition, as it faces mounting internal and external pressures.

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As the Monday crisis meeting approaches, all eyes will be on President Ruto and his ability to navigate the complex dynamics within his party. The outcomes of these strategic gatherings will likely have significant implications for the future stability and direction of the Kenya Kwanza coalition, and by extension, the political landscape of Kenya.

The coming days are expected to be pivotal for the ruling party, as it seeks to address its internal challenges and present a united front to the nation.