During the groundbreaking ceremony for an administrative complex and a new Police Station in Miruya, Uriri, Migori County, Principal Secretary (PS) Raymond Omollo emphasized the importance of prioritizing development over early political campaigns. Omollo expressed concern that many elected leaders were becoming too engrossed in political activities, which, according to him, were hindering the development efforts that the government had been striving to promote at the county level.
While acknowledging the national government’s efforts to allocate funds for county development, Omollo pointed out that the focus on early politics was diverting attention from the real needs of the people. “Elected leaders should concentrate on fulfilling their developmental roles and avoid unnecessary distractions that can impede progress,” he said. Omollo urged leaders to remain focused on the tasks at hand, stressing that the development of infrastructure, such as administrative offices and security facilities, was vital to improving the lives of citizens at the grassroots level.
The event also featured remarks from Uriri Member of Parliament, Mark Nyamita, who called for the creation of additional administrative units to improve security across the country. Nyamita highlighted the growing need for increased administrative presence to help manage the diverse challenges facing various regions, particularly in terms of law enforcement and service delivery.
One of the key highlights of the groundbreaking ceremony was the new administrative complex, which is expected to house several government offices, including a Police Station. This development will significantly improve access to government services for the people of Uriri constituency, who currently face considerable challenges in reaching Huduma Centres. With the new complex, residents will no longer have to travel long distances to access vital public services, bringing government functions closer to them.
The new police station is expected to enhance security in the region, providing a more accessible and efficient law enforcement presence. This is especially crucial in light of the rising concerns over crime and public safety in many parts of the country.
As the groundbreaking ceremony marked a significant step in improving the region’s infrastructure, PS Omollo’s message resonated with both local leaders and citizens, reminding them that while politics is an important aspect of leadership, the primary responsibility remains to serve the public and advance development initiatives.