Radio Jambo presenter Liondey has shared heartbreaking details surrounding the untimely death of his young son, who tragically passed away on January 8th, 2025. In an exclusive interview with Mpasho, Liondey revealed that the incident began with a simple accident at home when his son fell from the living room sofa while playing.
The fall led to a head injury that caused the young boy to start convulsing, prompting an immediate rush to the nearest medical center, Metropolitan Hospital. A CT scan revealed the severity of the situation: internal bleeding in the brain. The family was left in shock as doctors recommended a critical surgery to address the life-threatening injury.
“We rushed him to the hospital, and after the CT scan, it was discovered that he had bleeding inside the head. He was immediately taken for a 3-hour surgery, which the doctors said was successful,” Liondey explained. Despite the initial success of the surgery, the young boy’s condition did not improve. His brain began to swell, and he was subsequently moved to the ICU, where the medical team hoped the swelling would subside.
Unfortunately, the injury to his brain proved too severe. The medics confirmed that he was clinically brain dead, and there was nothing more they could do. The boy’s life was being sustained by machines, and the family faced the unbearable reality that his battle was near its end.
Liondey bravely shared the final moments with his son, who passed away on the morning of January 8th at 7:00 am in the presence of his parents and close family members. “It’s been a sad beginning of the year to our family, and we thank you for your support and prayers,” said a heartbroken Liondey.
The loss of his son has left the family in deep mourning, and their painful journey is a reminder of how fragile life can be. The Radio Jambo presenter has expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support and prayers during this incredibly difficult time.
Our thoughts and condolences are with Liondey and his family as they navigate this unimaginable loss.