Enhancing Avocado and Poultry Farming in Nandi County: A Comprehensive Training of Trainers Program

The County of Nandi, through its Department of Agriculture and Cooperatives Development, has implemented a comprehensive Training of Trainers (ToT) program aimed at enhancing avocado and poultry farming across the region. This initiative specifically targets lead farmers, equipping them with critical knowledge and practical skills that they can then pass on to others in their communities. By empowering these farmers, the County seeks to improve the overall productivity and sustainability of agriculture, particularly in the avocado and poultry sectors.

Focus on Avocado and Poultry Farming

In recent years, avocado farming has gained significant popularity due to the increasing demand for this highly nutritious and commercially valuable fruit. Nandi County, with its favorable climate and fertile soil, is well-positioned to become a key player in avocado production both regionally and nationally. The County’s focus on avocado farming aligns with broader national goals of diversifying agricultural production and increasing the contribution of horticultural products to the country’s economy.

Similarly, poultry farming is a crucial agricultural activity in Nandi County, providing livelihoods for many small-scale farmers. Poultry farming is attractive due to its relatively low start-up costs and the quick return on investment. However, despite its potential, many farmers face challenges related to disease management, poor housing, and low productivity, all of which hinder the growth and sustainability of their enterprises.

The Training of Trainers Approach

The ToT program is designed to address these challenges by providing lead farmers with targeted training that they can then disseminate to their peers. The training sessions for poultry farmers, which took place in Tuloi, Chesumei Sub-County, covered several critical areas essential for successful poultry farming. These included:

  1. Disease Management: Poultry diseases are a major threat to farmers, often leading to significant losses in terms of both birds and income. Training on disease management equips farmers with the skills to identify, prevent, and treat common poultry diseases. This aspect of the training emphasizes good hygiene practices, vaccination schedules, and the importance of biosecurity measures to keep flocks healthy.
  2. Poultry Housing: Proper housing is vital to protect birds from the elements, predators, and disease. Farmers were taught how to construct cost-effective and durable poultry houses that provide adequate ventilation, lighting, and space for the birds to thrive. The training also highlighted the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance of poultry houses to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and parasites.
  3. Incubation and Hatching: Successful poultry farming requires a good understanding of the incubation and hatching processes. Farmers were trained on the proper use of incubators, the conditions necessary for optimal egg incubation, and how to ensure high hatchability rates. This knowledge is crucial for farmers looking to scale their operations by increasing the number of chicks they can raise at a time.
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By focusing on these core areas, the ToT program aims to build the capacity of farmers to manage their poultry farms more efficiently, reduce losses, and increase productivity. The ultimate goal is to improve the livelihoods of farmers and contribute to the food security and economic development of Nandi County.

Avocado Farming and Its Potential

Avocado farming is another key focus of the ToT program, as the County seeks to tap into the growing demand for this fruit both locally and internationally. Avocados, particularly the Hass variety, are highly sought after due to their rich nutritional profile and versatility in the food industry. In addition to being a popular ingredient in many dishes, avocados are also used in the cosmetics and health sectors, further increasing their market potential.

Nandi County’s climatic conditions are ideal for avocado farming, and the County Government is keen to position local farmers to take advantage of this opportunity. Through the ToT program, lead avocado farmers are receiving training on:

  1. Best Agronomic Practices: Farmers are being taught how to properly plant, nurture, and manage avocado trees to ensure high yields. This includes the proper selection of seedlings, the ideal spacing between trees, and the importance of timely pruning and weeding.
  2. Pest and Disease Control: Just like poultry farming, avocado production is susceptible to pests and diseases that can significantly reduce yields. The training provides farmers with knowledge on how to prevent and manage these issues through the use of organic and chemical solutions, as well as the implementation of good agricultural practices.
  3. Post-Harvest Handling: One of the challenges avocado farmers face is the loss of produce due to poor post-harvest handling. The ToT program addresses this by training farmers on proper harvesting techniques, handling, and storage methods to reduce spoilage and ensure that the fruit reaches the market in good condition.
  4. Market Access: Avocado farming is highly profitable if farmers can access the right markets. Through the training, farmers are being connected to market opportunities, both locally and internationally. The County Government is also working to link farmers with export markets, which offer higher returns compared to local markets.

The Role of Common Interest Groups and SACCOs

To further enhance the impact of the ToT program and ensure that the benefits are widely distributed, the County Government of Nandi is encouraging farmers to organize themselves into Common Interest Groups (CIGs) and adopt the Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOs) model. This approach is being promoted across all agricultural value chains, with the aim of improving access to resources, reducing costs, and increasing bargaining power.

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By forming CIGs and SACCOs, farmers can pool their resources and access services that would otherwise be out of reach for individual small-scale farmers. This includes access to finance, inputs such as seeds and fertilizers, and training on modern farming techniques. SACCOs also provide a platform for farmers to collectively market their produce, thereby increasing their bargaining power and securing better prices.

The National Agriculture Value Chain Development Program (NAVCDP), which supports this model, recognizes the importance of organized farmer groups in driving agricultural development. By working together, farmers can overcome the challenges of limited resources and market access, leading to improved productivity and profitability.

The Impact of the ToT Program on Farmers

The ToT program is already having a positive impact on the lives of farmers in Nandi County. Those who have undergone the training report improved productivity, better disease management, and increased profitability in both avocado and poultry farming. By passing on the knowledge they have gained to other farmers in their communities, the lead farmers are helping to create a ripple effect that is transforming the agricultural landscape of the county.

In poultry farming, for instance, farmers who have implemented the knowledge gained from the training have seen significant reductions in disease-related losses. The introduction of better housing and biosecurity measures has resulted in healthier flocks and higher egg production. Similarly, those involved in avocado farming have reported increased yields and improved fruit quality, which has enabled them to access better-paying markets.

Challenges and the Way Forward

Despite the success of the ToT program, there are still several challenges that farmers in Nandi County face. One of the key challenges is access to finance, which limits the ability of small-scale farmers to invest in modern farming technologies and inputs. While SACCOs and CIGs help to mitigate this challenge to some extent, there is still a need for more affordable and accessible financial services tailored to the needs of farmers.

Another challenge is the need for more extensive and ongoing training. While the ToT program provides a solid foundation, agriculture is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and adaptation. The County Government, therefore, needs to ensure that farmers have access to regular updates on new farming techniques, pest and disease control measures, and market trends.

Additionally, the issue of market access remains a significant challenge for many farmers, particularly those involved in avocado farming. While there is growing demand for avocados, both locally and internationally, many farmers still struggle to connect with buyers and secure favorable prices. The County Government, through partnerships with the private sector and national government, can play a key role in addressing this by helping to establish market linkages and supporting farmers in meeting the quality standards required for export markets.

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The Training of Trainers program implemented by the Nandi County Department of Agriculture and Cooperatives Development represents a significant step forward in the County’s efforts to enhance avocado and poultry farming. By equipping lead farmers with practical skills and knowledge, the program is helping to improve productivity, reduce losses, and increase profitability for farmers across the region.

The focus on organizing farmers into Common Interest Groups and SACCOs further strengthens the impact of the program by enabling farmers to pool resources, access services, and secure better market opportunities. While challenges such as access to finance and market linkages remain, the progress made so far is encouraging, and with continued support from the County Government and other stakeholders, Nandi County is well on its way to becoming a hub for avocado and poultry production in Kenya.

As the program continues to roll out, it is expected that more farmers will benefit from the training, leading to a more prosperous and sustainable agricultural sector in the county. By building the capacity of farmers and promoting collaboration through SACCOs and CIGs, Nandi County is setting an example of how targeted interventions can drive agricultural development and improve livelihoods at the grassroots level.

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